Thursday, 8 December 2022

Are you stuck in your comfort zone?

"But Jesus said  to him, 'No one, having put his hand to the plough, and looking back, is fit for the kingdom of God.'"   Luke 9:62    NKJV

Jesus was speaking about the cost of following Him; the way things would have to be given up and changes made. Read the piece of scripture Luke 9:57-62 to get the fuller picture. Let us look at what He said to the third person. 

What He was saying was, when a person decides to live for Jesus, it is no good for him or the kingdom of God, if he keeps looking back to his old life. The Israelites were like this when Moses was leading them to the Promised Land. Whenever they met with some form of hardship that threatened their comfort. they grumbled about it and told Moses he should have left them in Egypt. 

Many people want new things to happen but only if they can remain in their comfort zone, with very little change. This is impossible, change brings new directions; new lives and new opportunities. If we want things to get better we need to stop living in the past; we need to be forward thinking people, not backward. To be any different is to be double-minded - we want it but not if it's going to be uncomfortable or cost us too much.

What about you, are you stuck in your comfort zone? To belong to Jesus brings with it, the necessity to count the cost. Firstly to be a Christian means you no longer live for yourself, you belong to Him. Therefore, you forfeit the choice of doing what you wish to do and live in obedience to Jesus. He is not a fierce taskmaster, who will bully you into something, you still have a choice but, if you want His blessing, obedience is the right way. He only wants the best for you and will endeavour to deliver it, if you let Him.
Jesus calls some people out into ministry, others He uses in their own environments to live a life where people notice the difference and want to know more about why they live this way. 

To move out of you comfort zone is not easy. It takes discipline and hard work and it may be helpful to set small challenges, one's that are easier to achieve. It can't be rushed, change is never easy but it is better than just sitting their and thinking about it. We are called to be 'Doers not hearers only' James 1:22. So, if you are struggling stepping out of your comfort zone, remember it is the 'doers' that get things done. 

Don't you think it is time to step out and overcome the challenges and live the life Jesus intended for you? I think you know it makes sense and, what's more there is something stirring within you.

Copyright 2022 Grahame Howard.                          

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