Tuesday, 13 December 2022

The Winter is Past

"For lo, the winter is past, the rains over and gone."     Song of Solomon  2:11   NKJV 

As we look at this scripture today, it would be easy to say, 'No it hasn't, it's freezing out there and, for many of us, it's freezing in the house too. The energy crisis has hit us all, very hard. However, we are not looking at the present winter that we are enduring but, the spiritual side of winter. 

No matter what you are gong through, if you have Jesus in your life, He will move mountains to bless you. Check out 2:8: 'The voice of my beloved! Behold he comes leaping upon the mountains, skipping upon the hills.' He loves you so much that, He can't help Himself. As you call on Him with praise, worship and thanksgiving in your heart (Philippians 4:6-7), He comes running, and leaping to your aid. You may not believe this at times, but it's true. You see, He will not always answer our pleas the way we think He should. This is why we feel nothing has really happened, but it has and you will soon realise this. At other times, His answer is instant and deliverance is obvious. 

We need to look through the eyes of faith. The answers to our prayers may not always be visible to us but, they are there anyway. This is why we need to look past what is seen to, what is unseen (2 Corinthians 4:18-19). This is what faith is all about. In other words, we need to confess and receive and make this a way of living. We are of the supernatural not, the natural. We are kingdom people; we belong to Jesus and this, is why He comes leaping over all of our obstacles and rescues us.

Obstacles, the giants of pain, disappointments and whatever else causes us heartache and anxiety is like a bad winter in itself. It seems like it's never going to end and is cold and gloomy. But take joy, the winter is past, the rains over and has gone. The season has changed, Jesus has done this. All of the bad things that have happened are at an end. How you may ask? Because, if you called on Jesus, He has skipped over the giant obstacles and He stands there and tells you, 'The winter is past'. Therefore, take Him at His word and believe in your heart that your success is on the horizon, the summer of blessing is here. 

Look through the eyes of faith and you will see things you only dreamed about.

Copyright 2022 Grahame Howard.                                


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It will come in due season!

"Let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart."                                ...