Thursday, 12 January 2023

Live in Peace. (1)

"I lay down and slept"                                                   Psalm 3:5   NKJV

David's son, Absalom, was causing him so much stress that he had to flee. Absalom was so much younger, whereas, David was by now much older. It was a bleak situation but, one in which David expressed his confidence in God. He knew that he would give Him deliverance. Under the circumstances, it was a wise decision. As King he still had people to look after and so, felt the only answer was to give this all to God. He focused more and more on God and as he called on Him and not so much his enemies, he thought about the Temple that would be built in Jerusalem, the place God had His Holy hill.

From time to time, we also can feel like everyone is against us. This may be our imagination or it may be reality. David knew what action to take and, so should we. He put the biggest part of his focus on the One who could rescue him from this situation. God heard him and restored his dignity and confidence. In fact God sustained him v5. Notice the all important statement also in v5, 'I lay down and slept.' Through God's intervention, David was so much at peace that he was able to get some well-earned sleep. And this is how God wants you to handle things.

Whatever stressful situation you are in, you need your sleep. You can't think straight when you're tired and the way to solve this is, to be so secure in Jesus that you can offer any problem to Him, leave it there and go to sleep. When God sustains you, He gives you peace, the peace that surpasses understanding (Philippians 4:6-7). When David did this, he placed God in charge of everything because he knew that he could not resolve it. And He will for you as well.

Problems can escalate driving us to despair. I remember reading of a South African pastor who was trying to sort out the church's financial situation. They were in debt and the bills kept piling up. This pastor knew that he was in God's will and also knew that he could not sort these finances out. Therefore, after an evening service when everyone had gone home, he prayed, 'Lord, I can't change this situation. I have done all You asked of me but, there has been no change. Therefore Lord, the problem is Yours, I'm going home.' And he did. Within a very short time, God caused the debts to be paid off and the church was financially secure again. This is similar to what David did this day, 'I lay down and slept'. This is the peace of God.

Do you need this peace, then surrender everything to Jesus, and I do mean everything. Refuse to think or worry about it any longer and lay down and sleep. Then watch how God works!

Tomorrow, we will look at this in more detail and bring it all together. Until then, you know what to do!

Copyright 2023 Grahame Howard.                          

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