Sunday, 8 January 2023

Thank God for our Work

"Whatever you do, do it from the heart, as something done for the Lord and not for people."  Colossians 3:23   CSB

When a holiday or a peaceful weekend come to a close it is so easy to think, 'Oh no, I've got to go to work tomorrow, I'm dreading it.' It doesn't matter if you work for an employer or for yourself, the feeling can be the same. From time to time we all feel this way, it's a universal comment. The thing is, just stop and think what work brings you and your family - it provides clothes, food, a home and all the luxuries that you are used to. It also brings you the blessing of having a holiday in the first place or being able to take time off to have a peaceful weekend.

There are many people who don't want to work, that is their choice. There are also many people who cannot work because of certain problems from, disability or being a carer. There are also many who want to work but, try as they may, can't find the right job to meet their qualifications. Therefore, when we have a job, there is a need to be grateful to God and the need to do it well. Really we work for God so we should always provide excellence in all we do and because of providing this, we bless our employer and the customers. 

Have you ever stopped to think, that when you work well in your job, your boss and company will be blessed too. Just consider Joseph in Genesis 37-50. Everything he did prospered his superiors; from being a butler, in prison and as prime minister for Egypt. His faithful hard work brought success and prosperity. He was a great asset to them all.

Whether you are at school, college, uni, in paid employment or have your own business or whether you are retired and do odd jobs around the home and garden. As you work as if you're working for Jesus, He will put a seal of success upon this work and, like Joseph, whatever you do will be successful.

So the next time you are tempted to think about having to go to work; before you speak out a negative word about it, think and speak, 'This is another opportunity to bless whatever I have to do today. Through my work, I intend to bring prosperity.'
Then, watch how you are able to bring blessing to all you do because you are grateful to God for your work.

Copyright 2023 Grahame Howard.                          

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