Tuesday, 10 January 2023

The Three 'D's"

"If only I may touch His clothes, I shall be made well." v28             Mark 5:25-34   NKJV 

This well-known piece of scripture, shows us the love and compassion that Jesus carries for His people. This woman had a severe illness, a severe financial lack and according to Leviticus 15:25-27, was ceremonially unclean. She was suffering the three 'D's': DEFILED - DESTITUTE and DESPERATE.

If you have ever suffered just one of these categories, you will know the anguish she was going through. She had almost lost hope because, she had suffered 12 years with a terrible issue of blood and, because of this, she had exhausted all of her finance paying for doctors to try and bring healing to her body. She had spent all she had and now, the pot was empty and she felt even worse.

She had heard about Jesus and all that He was doing and made up her mind that she had to go to Him, there was nothing left but, she had to take the chance of going out into public knowing that she was unclean. Battling through the crowds she saw Him but, because of her low self-esteem, she couldn't speak with Him - what if he told her to go away, or wanted money for healing her? What if He rebuked her for being out in public? She was frightened and went up behind Him and touched His gown. Immediately, she was healed, she knew this without doubt. The thing is, Jesus knew as well because he felt power go out of His body. 'Who touched Me?' Jesus asked. Jesus knew who had touched Him but, wanted her to speak to Him and admit this. 

Frightened and shaking like a leaf, she bent down before Jesus and confessed that she had touched His gown. Jesus looked at her with love and said to her, 'Daughter, your faith has made you well. Go in peace and be healed of your affection.'  What had  happened here? She fell down before Him and confessed and for this, she was rewarded. He built her up with confidence, making her feel a human being again. He took her fear and gave her peace in return. She knew that she would never be the same again. She was a new woman. Jesus took the feeling of being DEFILED, DESTITUTE and DESPERATE, and gave her a new 'D', He gave her DIGNITY. He gave this terribly beaten up woman His love and made her dignified. 

And He will do this for you as well if you ask Him. He knows where you've been; the life you have put up with. The disappointments, the let-downs and the feeling of being left out - the Billy no-mates of your area. Why not go up to Him, fall down before Him and allow Him to heal every inch of your physical and emotional hurt. 
His arms are open now, ready for you. Go on, what are you waiting for?

Copyright 2023 Grahame Howard.                                


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