Friday, 3 February 2023

Confess it - Receive it - Live it

"Show me Your ways, O LORD; Teach me Your paths". 5 "Lead me in Your truth and teach me, for You are the God of my salvation; On You I wait all the day."  
                                                                                         Psalm 25:4-5   NKJV

David had made so many mistakes throughout his life, and he had practically lost everything until he strengthened himself in the LORD , which is recorded in 1 Samuel 30:6. He knew where to go when everything else was failing; he trusted God with all he had and knew, God would never let him down.

We see this in the 25th Psalm; he asks God for divine guidance for walking in His ways. He knew he would never make it on his own. It is full of intimacy as he asks God that his past and present sin would not get in the way of his relationship with the Lord. It's interesting to see in verse 5, that he says, 'On You, I wait all the day.' Once again we see the need to wait on God. There were times when He didn't answer David straightaway and he had learned to live with this. It was a sign of his maturity. If King David had to wait, you can bet that we will have to. David had become used to this and He used the time to worship and praise God. There is a lesson here. He kept his heart right and ensured that he was in tune with his Father.

David was actually asking that God would direct him throughout his daily journeys in life. We all need it to achieve the reality of living in God's plans for our life, so that we will be pleasing to Him. We also need to be certain that we are walking in God's truth so, we need Him to teach us to do this on a daily basis. We will only achieve it by allotting a piece of our time each morning, where we can pray, listen, read our bibles and build our relationship with Him. We need to be in a state of intimacy with the Lord and it will only be achieved by having this regular, quiet time.

If I may quote from The Passion Bible, we see a clearer picture of David's heart to his Father:

'Escort me into Your truth; take me by the hand and teach me. For You are the God of my salvation; I have wrapped my heart into yours all day long.'   Psalm 25:5

The latter part of this verse, gives us a useful insight into what to do while waiting for God; wrapping our heart into His. Therefore, we need to Confess it (our sin) - Receive it (forgiveness and blessing) - Live it (Live the full life God has given us, by His guidance).

Copyright 2022 Grahame Howard.                          

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