Tuesday, 28 February 2023

Deceit, Dishonesty and Disobedience

"And they heard the sound of the LORD God walking in the garden in the cool of the day, and Adam and his wife hid themselves from the presence of the LORD God among the trees of the garden."                                              Genesis 3:8-9   NKJV 

Life was bliss in the garden until that fateful day when the serpent tricked Adam and Eve into picking and eating the fruit from the tree. They had both been given clear instructions by the Lord and the only thing they couldn't do, they did. The blame game can take its place in situations such as this but, the fact remains, they knew they shouldn't do it, they were disobeying God. They only had themselves to blame, no one else. God couldn't have been more clearer and, they should have known better, especially Adam who was standing there too and should have put a stop to it immediately.

Straightaway, they knew they were in the wrong. When we commit sin, which this was, a horrible feeling of guilt and shame comes upon us. No matter what we do or say, even asking forgiveness, the feeling is still there and we want to run away. This is what Adam and Eve did. They hid in the bushes. One thing you need to remember, you can't hide from God. He knows where you are and, you will get found out sooner or later.

The question will always be asked, 'Why didn't they say sorry and repent to God?' It is the most obvious thing to do when we have sinned. Confess and receive God's forgiveness. The thing is, they didn't confess this sin, possibly because they were very frightened because of the situation, probably panic had set in. Alternatively, it may have been part of God's plan for them not to. We just don't know and it is pointless to try and get to the bottom of it. It just happened that way.

In verse 9, God asks the question, 'Where are you?' Of course, He knew where they were - He's God but, it is possible He was asking 'Where are you spiritually - have you anything you want to tell me?' This is very possible. God knew that they were being deceitful. He also knew they were being dishonest and full of disobedience. Is it possible that God was hoping above hope that they would come rushing to Him in floods of tears begging His forgiveness? Again, we just don't know, but it raises some strong questions about our walk with Him.

Should God ask you today, 'Where are you?' What would be your answer? Can you relate to Adam and Eve hiding away in guilt and shame? If so, are you going to ask His forgiveness. Do you need to confess something to someone else? Is there deceit, dishonesty and disobedience in your life today. Adam and Eve, knew they were in the wrong, that's why they hid. Are you wanting to hide away because of sin?
Where are you? If you need to speak to God about something or indeed, to anyone else, today is the day to do this. Get the sin out of the way

Copyright 2023 Grahame Howard.                                


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