Monday, 20 February 2023

Given back his self-respect

"And he answered Him, saying, 'My name is Legion; for we are many.' 10 Also he begged Him earnestly that He would not send them out of the country v 9-10"               
                                                                                        Mark 5:1-20   NKJV 

This man had lost everything, his family, friends, respect you name it. He had ended up totally depressed and possibly mentally deluded. He claimed his name was Legion, but this was the many demons possessing him. Possibly in earlier life, he had been harassed by Roman soldiers and may even have lost his family through this. He knew what a Legion meant - six thousand soldiers and therefore, because of his demonic state and delusion, he may have felt that this same amount of demons were in him and controlling his life. It's possible that this amount may have taken up residence. We just don't know. What we do know, is that he went around naked, crying out and cutting himself with stones. He was a risk to himself and other people so, they bound him in shackles and chains. However, the demonic force within him, just broke these, they were too strong to hold him.

It's interesting that when he saw Jesus, he ran up to Him and worshiped Him and called Him Jesus, Son of the Most High God. This proves that Satan recognises when Jesus is around. He can see and hear Jesus but, he can't read His mind - what He intends to do, unless Jesus reveals it to him. And there is no evidence that Satan can read our minds either. He only knows what we are going to do when he hears us speak. There's a lesson here to be careful what we say because, he is listening.

The evil spirits begged Him to send them into a 2000 herd of pigs. He did this and the large herd ran off a cliff and were killed in the sea below. This caused the villagers to be angry because, they had lost their livelihood and they begged Him to leave. Before He did, they also noticed that the man was dressed, in his right mind and very much at peace. Jesus looked at this man as he asked Jesus if he could go with Him but Jesus told him to go home, find his friends, tell them about what had happened to him and concentrate on this. 

He did this and, this social outcast, this terribly demon-possessed man who had nothing, was built up and made new. Jesus had given him back his self-respect; He had given him back his life and a commission too. Sooner than take him with Him, out of the country, Jesus gave him a job to do. He lived on the edge of the Decapolis. He therefore had ten cities to visit and tell the people all that Jesus had done for him. His evangelism career began.

And Jesus wants to build you back up again. He knows how you have suffered in life. Why not come to Him now and ask Him into your life or rededicate yourself:

'Lord Jesus, my life has been hard up to now. I need You Jesus, I surrender to You. Would You come and live in my life. Please forgive my sins and fill me with Your Holy Spirit and help me. I ask in Jesus' Name. Amen'
Copyright 2023 Grahame Howard.                          

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