Friday, 24 February 2023

Whatever you do. Part 2

"And whatever you do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him."        Colossians 3:17    NKJV 

Today, we continue with our study on 'Whatever you do'. Tony Evans says, 'Doing something in the name of Jesus, is like authorising a contract with His signature.' This is the authority of Jesus. We need to make sure that He approves our actions and we do this, by walking in the Spirit on a daily basis. We need to be doing all things with His reputation in mind. Remember, as I said yesterday, to most unbelievers, we are the bible to them. We should only seek to do the things that Jesus would do, in His name.
GIVING THANKS  This is an area that can be so neglected. We can pray, then receive the answer and then run off without thanking God. We should always give Him thanks and praise in whatever circumstances - good or bad. He may not answer our prayer at all. Then again, He may answer in a way we didn't want or even expect. But He is still the King of kings and Lord of our lives, and whether or not the answer comes, we should always thank Him - not for bad things that may be happening to us, but, just for who He is. Ask yourself the question; do I thank Him that He is in control and knows what is best for me and my family?
TO GOD THE FATHER  As we know, God created us; He breathed life into Adam as his still body lay there. I like what Mark Hankins says, 'He gave Adam mouth to mouth resuscitation'. He also gave us life and did the same for us. He not only created us but, He provides for us, loves us, protects us and makes everything possible for us through our Saviour Jesus Christ. We have life here on earth and when our time comes, we have life forever with Him. He has given us freedom, He has accepted us where the world may not have done. We are adopted into the family of God - co-heirs with Jesus. Whatever we needed to survive, He has given us. Is it too much to ask to give Him back all of ourselves - everything?

Have you ever wondered what it will be like in heaven? Will we work? I can't see us just sitting around on grass praising Him all the time. There will be that, but, I think we will be busy. Will the planets be part of our inheritance and will some of us live there? Will we live on a new earth or new heaven? And what will Jesus be like when we finally meet Him face to face? We have lots of questions that one day, will be answered. Until then, we can only imagine to a degree. 

One things for sure, whatever we do now for Him, He will honour us when we see Him. This is why it is so important that, whatever we do now, we do it in the name of Jesus. We are investing in Jesus and we are investing in our future with Him. Don't you long to hear those words from Him, 'Come you blessed of My Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world'  Matthew 25:34. We have so much to thank Him for and so much to look forward to as well. So whatever you do, do it all for Jesus.

Copyright 2023 Grahame Howard.                          

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