Thursday, 23 March 2023

According to the Power within

"Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us, 21 to Him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus to all generations, forever and ever. Amen."  Ephesians 3:20-21   NKJV 

Read these verses again. Who or what is the power that works in us? It's the Holy Spirit and, if we have asked Jesus into our hearts, the Spirit of God has taken up residence and will guide, direct and show us all we need to know. His power knows no end - as long as we walk with Him.

Paul says something very important here - 'According to the power that works in us.' With God, nothing is impossible, He can do more than we could ever imagine or think. This is amazing. There is nothing too hard for God. However, the emphasis is on the power that works in us. He is able to rescue from a fiery furnace (Dan 3:17). He is able to deliver from the mouth of lions (Dan 6:20-22). He is able to give sight to the blind; raise people from the dead. He can keep you from stumbling. He can do it all. He can do more than our wildest dreams could imagine, but His power must be within us; we must believe He can do this.

Take a look at Luke 8:48, a woman was healed when she touched the hem of His gown. Jesus said to her, 'Your faith has made you well.' Again a sinful woman was saved: Your faith has saved you,' Jesus said this again in Mark 5:34 and in Matthew 9:22. In fact, read through the gospels and you'll see similar phrases time and time again. 

So when we ask for healing, why is it that nothing appears to happen - we are not healed. Who says we're not healed? We walk by faith not by sight, don't we? (2 Cor 5:7). We call those things that don't exist as if they did, don't we? (Romans 4:17). When we have prayer for healing, we may not feel that we are healed, but this doesn't mean that we declare that nothing happened. It is a faith thing so, we call that healing into being until we are healed. We believe and receive - we don't give up. It is according to our faith - this power within us. We should never negate our healing by confessing that nothing has happened. If you do, nothing will happen and, this is probably why many people are not healed. They make it invalid before the healing has taken place. Some healings are instant, others are not, so be patient.

Try to get into the things of the Spirit. Walk in the Spirit. Pray in the Spirit and live in the Spirit. God's Word does not lie; if He says He can do it, then He can do it but, He needs to be able to say to you, 'Your faith has made you well.'

Copyright 2023 Grahame Howard.                          

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