Wednesday, 29 March 2023

God's put a fighter in you!

"Fight the good fight of faith, lay hold on eternal life, to which you were also called and have confessed the good confession in the presence of many witnesses."  
                                                                           1 Timothy 6:12  NKJV

Life may have been difficult for you just lately. It has been one thing after another and you feel drained. In fact, if you're totally honest, it has been like this for some time, always doing things for other people but, never receiving anything back by way of thanks, except that is, criticism. You have spiritual gifts but never seem to be able to put them into action because, others push themselves forward and you, are not like that, you like to stay in the background.
You thought you would get that promotion at work, but no, the job was given to someone else, someone with less experience. It hurts, no worse than that, you are angry; burning with it. 'Why is it that I always get the second place?' you say, 'It's just not fair'. That job would have been the answer to your prayers and your dreams, you had worked so hard for it, but alas, someone else pipped you at the post. 'It's the story of my life,' you say, 'I have also been a loser, nothing will ever change.'
Stop right there! Nothing will ever change with that type of attitude. You need to change your thinking and the words that come out of your mouth. You're confessing defeat. 'Well you don't know what I have been through.' No I don't but, I can see why you've been through it. Stop feeling sorry for yourself and get up and fight. 'It's not that easy.' Yes it is, you just have to stand and say enough, God put a fighter in me and, that is what I am going to do - fight!

Graham Kendrick wrote a song some years back and part of the lyrics were:

'Where have all the Christian soldiers gone?
Where is the residеnce, will no one be strong?
Whеn will we stand up tall and straight, rise up and storm the gates?
How can we fail to get excited, the battle is ours, why don't we fight it?
Battalions of darkness rise above me
But God put a fighter in me, put a fighter in me!'

Put these lyrics with the verse of today and pray them through, out loud. If you have Jesus Christ in your heart, then He has put a fighter in you. Stand up tall and storm the gates of darkness. Put on the Armour of God, pray and be the soldier God intended you to be. He did not intend for you to be walked all over and he definitely did not want you feeling sorry for yourself. Start praising Jesus, pray, sing, dance and receive what God has for you. Having pity-parties are not part of your remit; you attend Victory parties and you, have the ability to make this happen, for you, right now. God has given you all you need, the rest is down to you.

Copyright 2023 Grahame Howard.                          

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