Sunday, 19 March 2023

His mercy knows no end!

"If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness"    1 John 1:9    NKJV

Have you ever felt like this? You get up in the morning with a heavy heart as you remember how you let God down yesterday. You are guilt-ridden as you play the video back, which shows the things that you said and the actions you took. You remember the argument you had with your spouse, partner or significant other and, you hold your head in shame hoping it was all a dream. It wasn't!

And then, that voice comes into your head,'Your God will never forgive you now; you've totally blown it. You're on the scrap heap now, give up.' Satan can be very keen to point out your errors and remind you of your behaviour so that it torments you all the day. 
You think to yourself, 'Yes, there were a few unkind words spoken, but it wasn't all that bad, was it?' Yes it was, and you know it, and no amount of  justifying your actions is going to sweep it all away. You did it and said it and now, you need to own it. 

As the day goes on, you have reached rock bottom, with regret and guilt having the upper hand. You may be in-between feeling sorry for yourself or, saying sorry a hundred times to whoever you’ve upset and a thousand 'sorry's' to God. The thing is, when you ask God's forgiveness, He hears you the first time and does just that, - forgives you. It's you who won't forgive yourself and, if you've deeply hurt someone, they may take a little time to get to the point of forgiving you.

To varying degrees, we've all been in this predicament at some time in our lives. The thing is, we need to hang on to and believe and receive scripture. Yes, you may have  behaved badly or whatever, but once you have asked God to forgive you, He does just that. He doesn't remember it anymore, it's not that He's forgetful, He just chooses not to keep a record of wrongs. So, when you have asked Him to forgive you for anything, He wipes the slate clean, declares you not guilty and there is no sign of your name in any record of wrongs. There is thought, in Satan's. He has every sin and a few more others too, that you have committed all your life. He is the accuser, the finger-pointer and the criticiser. Don't let Him bother you. He knows that He will be history soon so, he wants to harm as many people of God that he can. But don't let him.

You may have committed some kind of sinful behaviour but, if you have said that you're sorry to God, then He will forgive you. Why? Because He is committed to this because His Son - your Saviour Jesus, died on the cross for your sin past and present. Therefore, stand tall in the knowledge that you are loved, honoured, and totally forgiven in Jesus' name because His mercy knows no end!

Copyright 2023 Grahame Howard.                          

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