Thursday, 16 March 2023

Look at Him now! Part 2

"Blessing and honour and glory and power be to Him who sits on the throne, and to the Lamb, forever and ever."                           Revelation  5:13   NKJV 

Picture heaven; imagine that you are there looking at the activity. The 24 elders bowing down in worship; the four living creatures, each with six wings crying out:
'Holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty, who was, and is and is to come.'
God is there but, in the distance as so many people and angels are praising and worshiping Him. You are breathless as you take in this scene. You see people you knew on earth and you see people that you never thought would make it into heaven. They are part of the heavenly chorus. It is heavenly bliss.

27 years ago, I had a vision similar to this. I remember it like it was yesterday. Both myself and my wife were sitting up in bed reading and listening to a worship CD. Suddenly, I wasn't there; I was in this place behind many, many people who were all singing and bowing down to God. In the distance, I could see a brilliantly white figure standing on what I supposed was some sort of stage. His hands were held high as people just fell to the floor because of His awesome presence. They were all singing the most beautiful song I have ever heard. I thought to myself that if I could remember this song, I would use it in the church; but, it left my mind when the vision was over. It really was an awesome moment. Initially, I feared telling anyone, except my wife, because I didn't think they would believe me. However, I later thought, how dare I ignore such a privilege God gave me. Why? I don't know but I am so grateful to Him that it happened. You may have had a similar experience, if so tell people. If you haven't, you will one day that is for sure.

Some people feel that when they die, they will remain in the grave until the Rapture, when Jesus will call all His people to Himself. Others believe that when they die it is like going through a door and instantly being in heaven with Jesus. It all depends on what Dispensational Interpretation you believe in. I choose the latter, the Premillennial Pretribulational view, which means all believers are raptured before the great Tribulation. The Rapture and the Second Coming are separate events. The Tribulation and Millennium are literal 7 year and 1000 year periods. This is my interpretation but yours may be different. The choice is in how a person interprets the End Times.

Whatever is your interpretation, the main thing is that, we - all believers, will be with Jesus one day. When we are, we will witness things such as I have mentioned, along with Paul in 2 Corinthians 12 and with other men and women of God who have had similar experiences. We really have something to look forward to and I am sure that when you go, you will say, 'Look at Him now!'
Copyright 2023 Grahame Howard.                          

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