Sunday, 23 April 2023

He will give you direction

"Show me Your ways, O LORD; teach me Your paths. 5 Lead me in Your truth and teach me, for You are the God of my salvation; on You I wait all day."   Psalm 25:4-5   NKJV    

David was crying out to His God to show him direction, deliverance and forgiveness. We all need this on a daily basis and we will only receive it from the Lord. Note how David writes: 'Lead me in Your truth' v5:
The word truth here is translated from the Hebrew word Emet, and means certainty, stability, truth, rightness and trustworthiness. Emet, conveys a sense of dependability, firmness and reliability. It can be said that, this type of truth is something upon which a person may confidently stake their life. This is why David prayed that God's truth would continually preserve him (Psalm 40:11). This information is sourced from Word Wealth, The Spirit Filled Life Bible.

No wonder David put so much emphasis on the word 'Truth'. This type of truth can be relied on to lead us along a wise path; it instructs us and teaches us and, when we're lost, it can be relied on to show us the way. It's almost as if God is our own personal Sat Nav. However, we must cry out to God for Him to respond to us. We may have important decisions to make and it would be very unwise to make these decisions without consulting with Him. He knows the way; He knows what decision to make and what to discard.

We learn God's ways over a time, not, as some think, overnight. It's a process of building a lasting, intimate relationship. He gradually moulds us into the likeness of His Son. Therefore, we must seek Him everyday and walk with Him through the garden. When we do this, there is no need to talk, we just need to be aware of His presence - the aroma of life. 

I like the last part of verse 5: 'On You I wait all day.' Instead of the laborious task of waiting for God to act; for me it portrays the privilege of waiting on Him as if we are a waiter serving Him. After all, He is God, He deserves to be waited on. The Psalmist in Ps 84:10 had it right when he wrote, 'I would rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God than dwell in the tents of wickedness.' However, when we are willing to serve Him this way, He takes control and serves us instead. What a Saviour - serving us to the cross and beyond. 
Do you want God to be your guide, directing you in the way of success? Then spend some intimate time with Him.
Copyright 2023 Grahame Howard.                          

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