Tuesday, 4 April 2023

Love doesn't Gloat

"Do not rejoice when your enemy falls, and do not let your heart be glad when he stumbles; 18 lest the LORD see it, and it displeases Him, and He turn away His wrath from Him."                                                   Proverbs 24:17-18  NKJV 

People hurt us, wind us up, rip us off and appear to get away with what they've done. If they are caught and punished, it is hard not to gloat over this. If they have broken the law for some reason, yes, it is good that justice has been done but really, that doesn't give us the right to shout and scream about it. We just need to be grateful that the system works and the right judgement has been appropriated. 

On the other hand, someone within the church may have done you an injustice. You see them in the congregation raising their hands in worship and it annoys you. 'How dare they,' you mutter to your partner, 'look at them; butter wouldn't melt in their mouth, I hope God gets them.' Later, after the pastor has preached, he gives an altar call for people to raise their hand, come to the front and be prayed for. You say, jabbing your partner in the side, 'They need to raise their hands and confess what they've done to us. Go on, go to the front, you know what you've done.' Frustration rules within you when they don't ask for prayer and seemingly, get away with what they have done. Look at this:

(1)  Have you never read, 'Vengeance is Mine, I will repay', says the Lord'. Rom 12:19. God expects us to bless our enemies, not curse them. We should also live peaceably with them and not avenge ourselves. Leave it to God. He's good in these areas, believe me. 
(2)  Jesus told us to love  our neighbour. Well whether we like it or not, these people are our neighbour and God, expects us to show them love. If He had dealt with them that day at the altar, how would you have handled that. Be honest, you would probably have done handstands and been so pleased that you gloated about it. I heard a couple not so long back who had been mistreated by a vicar. They told me, 'Any day now, he is going to get his comeuppance and I want to be there to see it, I can't wait.' I don't believe God acts to our wishes like this, and I feel they would not have seen their longing fulfilled. In fact, it may well have been turned around on them, for having no love in their heart.

We are not here to judge, if we were, we would have been given a curly, white wig. We're not here to criticise either. Whether we like it or not, we are here to love people with the love of God. Period. Therefore, if you have any hangups about what someone has done to you, go and confront them - peacefully. If they won't accept it, give it to God and leave it there.
Copyright 2023 Grahame Howard.                                


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