Friday, 21 April 2023

Stop getting into a panic

"Suddenly a fierce storm struck the lake with waves breaking into the boat. But Jesus was sleeping."                 Matthew 8:24  NLT 

Why was Jesus sleeping? He would have known about the storm that was approaching and yet, He didn't warn the disciples about this but, went to sleep. I believe there was a couple of reasons for this. Let's not forget, Jesus, as we know, was in His humanity at the time. He would have become tired the same as any of us do. For one thing, being a leader, as Jesus was, is not easy at times. People can wear us down with their conflicts, arguments and demands. All this takes it's toll on our body.
However, I believe that the real reason Jesus went to sleep and didn't say anything about the pending storm, was because he wanted to see how they handled the situation; how they would manage when faced with a major trauma. He had taught them about faith and they had seen the results of faith-filled living. Now was the time to see if they were ready, which they wasn't as their panic demonstrated.

When we have someone in the driving seat of our lives, it takes the necessity away of having to think for ourselves. However, we can become institutionalised. Prisoners are very much like this as are people in the military. In situations such as these someone usually thinks for you, making the decisions of what to do, where to go and when to stop. When this ends, it is easy to panic, rather like the disciples did here. We have comfort zones and, they are difficult to come out of. We see this in nature, where young birds need to fledge and wobble precariously on the side of the nest flapping their wings like crazy. Sometimes they are reluctant to leave so, Momma gives them a push. Once out of the nest, they have to make decisions for themselves and, it's a strange world out there. Leaving home for the first time can be difficult. We suddenly realise that it is down to us now, and it's scary. Soldiers after a few years in the army may struggle too. All of a sudden, there is no one telling them what to do, where to go and all that malarky.

The disciples were in a similar situation. For a few years, they had been used to Jesus leading the way and getting them out of the scrapes that they found themselves in. Now, they had to remember what Jesus had actually said about faith and they were panicking. He will lead us so far, until we are strong enough to stand alone. However, He's never far away - right beside you in fact. But, He has taught us, the bible is our training manual, if we don't read it, we are in problems because, the answers to life are all in these pages of faith and truth.

The next time you realise that you are getting in a panic, remember what He taught you; if you can't remember or you are in fear, stop and call on Him. He will answer but, He may wait to see how you handle the situation. It's not that He won't do anything for you anymore - not at all. He wants you to do it and what's more, He has given you everything you need to carry this out. So no more flapping and getting into a panic; keep your cool and quickly analyse the situation and act accordingly. You can do this Philippians 4:13.
Copyright 2023 Grahame Howard.                          

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