Wednesday, 19 April 2023

Watch your reactions

"A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger."    
                                                                         Proverbs 15:1   NKJV 

Is your day ever like this? You wake up at 7am and think, 'I'll just have a few minutes more.' When you look at the clock again, what appeared to be two minutes is actually 40 minutes and you are late. You shoot out of bed and rush down the stairs, treading on a piece of Lego on the way. Even though you feel like your toes are broken, you grit your teeth and dash into the kitchen, where you are faced with two children who are demanding their breakfast. You have no cereals left; you know you should have gone to the supermarket yesterday but, you couldn't be bothered. It will have to be porridge - microwaves can be handy at times such as this, that is of course if they are working, which this one isn't. You suddenly realise the electricity is not on. Your trip switch box is in one of your cupboards, on the top shelf near the ceiling. You grab a chair but you can't see the box because there are tins and packets of this and that in front. You manage to manoeuvre your hand and flick the trip switch back on. On removing your hand, you knock the precariously placed items on the shelf which are then deposited on the floor. The kids are still shouting, 'We want our breakfast'.

Your whole peace of mind has disappeared and you have turned into a raging bull, snorting red hot steam all over the place. Play the video back of what has happened over the past hour. It was your fault that you decided to have a little extra time in bed, no one else is to blame. Take responsibility. Mayhem, happens, we all have days when things go wrong but, because you have made yourself late, you're under pressure and the devil is rubbing his hands enjoying every moment. He loves to wind us up and, if we give him any chance to enter our situation, he'll gladly take up the invitation. Just look at what has happened over the last hour. You've upset yourself; you've upset your children and you've upset your whole day. And now you feel guilty and have apologised to the children and God about twenty times but, still feel guilty.

Come on, you know the devil is not your friend; he will try to rob you of your joy whenever he can (John 10:10). Be alert and ready and in control. We make mistakes but we must accept the responsibility of these and learn by them. If the devil can get you reacting badly, he is happy. Why? Because you have taken your eyes off Jesus and on to him. You've responded the way he wanted you to. He will throw hindrances your way, things will break down and everything you touch will go wrong. Note that, God will sometimes allow things to happen this way to test how you react

Perhaps you're thinking at this time, 'Well I really blew it last night, I just wasn't in control.' It happens, we're not perfect just tell Jesus that you're sorry and ask for forgiveness. He's only too pleased to do this. And then ensure that you are not going to make this particular mistake again. There will be other testing times though, so be ready!

Copyright 2023 Grahame Howard.                          

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