Thursday, 11 May 2023

Be daily equipped

"But you be watchful in all things, endure afflictions, do the work of an evangelist, fulfil your ministry."               2 Timothy 4:5   NKJV 

There are certain guidelines that we need to adhere to as we walk with Jesus. Paul outlines them here:
BE WATCHFUL  We need to be on the ball every moment of every day. The enemy roams around looking to trip us up (1 Peter 5:8). Therefore, we need to be watchful and keep a clear mind. We can so easily lose our way when we are not concentrating on God's work. This, of course, doesn't mean that we should never think about anything except God. This would be impossible. However, starting the day with Jesus and involving Him in our daily routine can be so helpful. When our mind is filled with worry and burdens, we can tend to fixate on this and miss what is around. So be alert.
ENDURE AFFLICTIONS  In other words, we need to realise that, when we are serving Jesus things may be difficult at times. Unexpected things can come our way and trip us up. This can lead to frustration, panic and a bad attitude. Learn to take life as it comes - easier said than done I know. However, with practice it can be accomplished. When we live this way, problems may rise up against us but, we have the experience to call on God, quote scripture and generally flick aside these torments.
DO THE WORK OF AN EVANGELIST  Please note that this does not mean that we all need to grab our bibles and some tracts and dash out to a street corner and start preaching Jesus to whoever will listen. What it means is, we should be open to work at telling people about Jesus. Many times throughout our day, someone may ask why you are a Christian or why do you believe in God. This is an open invitation to tell them. Not in a boring, bible-bashing, fire and brimstone fashion, but in a peaceful and genuine way. Many people are searching and are eager to hear about such things. Seize the moment, and make it count, you may not have another opportunity.
FULFIL YOUR MINISTRY  We each have a ministry that is useful to whoever we may meet. It can be anything really and may include volunteering to help someone, perhaps by cutting an elderly person's grass or cutting their hedge. It may also include giving someone a lift to town because their car has broken down or they are incapacitated in some way. This is showing people the love of God. Just doing something like this and asking for nothing in return can work wonders in a person's life and completely demonstrates our faith. This can lead to many other things, even a saved soul.

All we have to do is to be open to the Holy Spirit. He will guide us, if we ask Him; don't forget that He is the No 1 evangelist of all time. He draws people to Him whether socially deprived and homeless people, drug and alcohol users and many others who are down on their luck. You just need to be open to His leading.
Try it and see.

Copyright 2023 Grahame Howard.                          

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It will come in due season!

"Let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart."                                ...