Sunday, 28 May 2023

Call out to Jesus. Part 2

"And it shall come to pass that whoever calls on the name of the LORD shall be saved."   
                                                                                Joel 2:32  NKJV

We saw yesterday that this verse was helpful for directing people to call on the Lord in order to be saved. However, it can be two-fold. When we find ourselves fearful, in trouble or burdened by something, we can call on the Lord and He will help us through any situation that is causing us worry.

This can be a job interview. We may feel that we are ably qualified for this post however, when the day of the interview comes we can, if we're not careful, talk ourselves into all negativity regarding our ability to do the job and whether we will be able to answer the many questions that may arise. I used to try and think what questions may be asked and have the answers stored into my head. Of course, this is taking a chance because you may be asked different ones. But, if you have done your homework on the job requirements, one can always have an idea.

You may be a first-time preacher for this coming Sunday. All I can say here is, do your background checks for the scripture you are using and try and take notes that you don't need to read out from your pad, but have topics that you can be free to talk through. The advice I would give is, God thinks you are capable so, enjoy the experience and be open to the Holy Spirit. Don't be tied down by trying to impress. God is there to help you.

You may be facing a medical appointment where you are scared that it may not go well. All you can do here is, ask the Holy Spirit to help you through this time and be open to whatever is said. This is not the time to be negative no matter how bad it may appear. God is able to change any situation, just rely on Him.

I lost track of the times that I was in court with my job as a social worker. It was a scary time as barristers are not the easiest of people to come up against. However, I used to pray and ask God to go with me into the witness box and then, it was the barrister coming up against me with Jesus Christ at my side. It worked every time.

There are many times that we need Jesus to help in our daily life. I have found that He is only too willing to help us and show us the way as we call on Him. After all, He tells us that without Him we can do nothing (John 15:5). So take Him at his word the next time you come against any pressure and fear

Copyright 2023 Grahame Howard.                          

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