Friday, 26 May 2023

Put it into God's hands

'Then he took his staff in his hand and he chose for himself five smooth stones from the brook and put them in his shepherd's bag.."   1 Samuel 17:40   NKJV

Picture the scene that was being displayed this day. This giant of a warrior - Goliath, who stood nine feet, nine inches tall, was marching around the camp on the lookout for anyone who would like to fight him.This was in order to decide who would rule the area. On the other hand, David who was possibly 5 feet shorter than Goliath, was getting ready to go into combat with him. Was he crazy? Yes, he was crazy for God - his life, and he was crazy enough to fight for the justice of the land.

Surely, this was a non-starter for Goliath, he could have blown him over with one puff of his breath. But there is one thing he had failed to realise, this little chap called David was anointed and he was going in the strength and power of the Almighty God. Goliath had enough armour on to fight an army, let alone a youth. But he was going to find out that you can't take God on and win; foolish men have tried and foolish men have died. 

However, David's choice of weapon was questionable - five smooth stones for his sling and of course his staff which he could hit his opponent with, that is if Goliath hadn't snapped it in half by then. Goliath taunted him, but David cried, 'You come to me with a sword, with a spear and a javelin. But I come to you in the name of the LORD of hosts, the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have defied.'  v45. David trusted whom he served and in this situation, he knew God would be with him. It only took one smooth stone to knock down Goliath, therefore he had four left. Why had he chosen five? Did he consider that it may not work. Never, he knew it would but David, was prepared just as any soldier is. It is good training to be well-prepared.

Whatever we have, even it is not much, placed in God's hand it can prosper. You may be facing a great challenge at this time and may be wondering how can you achieve this. Well, on your own that may be difficult but, placed in Jesus' hand it will be a success. You may feel that you are not qualified for what you believe God is asking you to do. That may be so; however, consider Peter and the disciples. Most of them were fishermen with no qualifications but they turned the world upside down and back again. Never underestimate the power of God. He can do great things and, with His anointing you can too.

Is God doing a work in you today? Or are you struggling with finances or other things. Give it all to God - put it in His hands and trust Him.
What is your battle today and what have you got to fight it with? David had a stone, what have you got to offer God? David was an expert with a sling, what are you good at, that you can place in God's hand? It's worth considering.

Copyright 2023 Grahame Howard.                          

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