Saturday, 6 May 2023

To get out, you must put in

"Whatever He says to you, do it"                  John 2:5   NKJV

This is a very powerful statement, one in which we would do well to adhere to. Jesus was at a wedding and disaster struck - the wine ran out. This was a socially unforgivable thing to happen, one which would bring shame on the host. It's possible that Mary, who was with Jesus, was a relative to the wedding couple and so, she wanted the best for them and the best - Jesus, was standing right next to her. She knew He could deal with this. Mary spoke to Jesus, but Jesus, who had begun to change this relationship from son to Saviour, gave His answer in order to help her refocus and on this this (2:4). The term 'Woman' was not a reference demeaning statement but one of respect. The statement, 'Whatever He says to you, do it' was a general one to the servants. She knew Jesus could and would honour the host and so she left it with Jesus. And we know that He did this. In fact, they had, in the region of 4320 glasses of wine, assuming that they were from the 30 gallon pots. That is some party.

Note what Mary said in this statement. She said 'Whatever He says' not think about what He says. We often use that comment when someone asks us if we would do something or go somewhere- 'Ok, I'll think about it and let you know.' We should never do this with Jesus. Mary was emphatic about this, we must obey to be in favour and blessing with Him. Let us not forget, He knows the best way; He knows the outcome. It is unwise to disobey Jesus. He never forces us though, but the emphasis is on the fact that He knows the ideal way.

You see, with Jesus, we may not have what is required to get a job, or become promoted, invest in property or start a business, so naturally, we speak to Him about it. This is what Mary did that day, the difference being, Jesus was right beside her. For us, we speak to Him through prayer, He is still right beside us. He will answer but, probably not straightaway. This doesn't mean He has rejected our request; we just have to wait, and as I've mentioned many times, the waiting can be difficult. The timing has to be right. With the wedding party, there was a need for a quick answer and Jesus did this. Don't become despondent if the answer doesn't come at once however.

Jesus is a giver, we, if not careful can become takers. This is where we need to put Jesus first in everything. It's almost like He says to us, 'Give Me what you've got and I'll give you back what you need'. It's called tithing - a sore point with many people. Many have the attitude that they can't live on what they have coming in anyway, to give some of it away is ridiculous. But it is not, if you want to be blessed start tithing the first tenth of your income. Yes, it may hurt but, if you trust Jesus, He will not let you down. We don't give to receive, not at all. However, we do give because God expects us to. Read Malachi Chapter 3 and you'll see what I mean. I once heard someone say, 'give until it hurts'. This may sound extreme, but isn't this what Jesus did for us? Just saying.
Copyright 2023 Grahame Howard.                          

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It will come in due season!

"Let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart."                                ...