Friday, 23 June 2023

A Walk in the Garden

'I made gardens and parks, filling them with all kinds of fruit trees."   
                                                                               Ecclesiastes  2:5.  NLT

 Picture the scene, God just ambling along through His garden enjoying His creation. There is something very refreshing and comforting when we have the time to just stroll through a nice garden or park on a summer evening. The smell of the flowers, the bees humming as they hover around the flowers. Although there are more creatures around, the blackbird appears more prominent as he sings his song, so loud and melodic. It is so rewarding and the stress and busy-ness of the day, seems to disappear as one enjoys the serenity of it all.

We need this time out. The stress of life can bring us down and make us a wreck if we allow it. Whether we have a full time busy job, work from home or are retired, the pressure can be intense and a relaxing walk in the peace and quiet of the countryside or park, is so beneficial. We see from our text today that, God instructed Solomon to create gardens and parks. God Himself walked through His own garden Genesis 3:8, so God knew that we needed this kind of relaxation and exercise. 

Exercise is good for the human body. The average person spends about 40 hours or so every week watching TV. Reckon that up and that's a lot of hours slumped on the sofa, eating chocolate, popcorn, crisps and other stuff. The only time they get up is to go to the bathroom and then it's back to the sofa. Then, when their clothes don't seem to fit, they consider that losing weight would be a good idea. They may start some exercise but, this lasts a week and they're back to the sofa.

Going to the gym is good; so is jogging but if you don't do something about your diet, you're on a hiding to nothing. Walking is so easy to do; just a stroll around your neighbourhood can be beneficial. However, with just a little more determination, you can quicken your pace and before too long, you will begin to feel better.

Many of you reading this right now are coming under conviction about this. You know God has been whispering in your ear about getting fit, but it's so easy to think, 'That's me, not God'. If that is so, why do you feel convicted about this? Be honest, you know you need to shed some weight and you know you're out of breath just thinking about it. God's not asking you to be the next Olympic Gold Medalist; He just wants you fit. So, why not give it a go today - yes today! Don't put off until tomorrow what you can do today, otherwise you'll never do it.

Just go for a walk in a garden or park for 30 minutes or so and, make it a regular habit in your life. Your Daily Life with Jesus will benefit.

Copyright 2023 Grahame Howard.                          

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