Monday, 26 June 2023

Do it, don't just talk about it!

"But don't just listen to God's Word. You must do what it says. Otherwise, you are only fooling yourselves."               James 1:22   NLT 

For the last ten years of my professional career, I worked in a hospice helping people with pre and post bereavement issues. One thing that used to crop up on a regular basis was, 'There is never enough time.' A lot of the people who were at the last stage of their lives, would quote this phrase when they said that they had always planned to do a certain thing or go to a special place. Now of course, it was not so easy to do and they had a deep regret.
Life is short and, we should do what we can now and not leave it on the back boiler until it is too late. In life, I have observed that there are doers and the one's that speak about it but, never seem to get round to doing what they should do or have promised to do. James brings this home to us with the above verse, 'But don't just listen to God's Word. You must do what it says.' In plain terms, stop just talking about it, make it a reality and put your thoughts into action, while you can.

It is very important to listen to what God's Word says, but it is far more important to put it into action by doing it. We often read the bible and a gem pops out that you know is for you. However, do you act on it? It may be that God is calling you to do some work for Him, you may agree that it is needed, and be excited that God has chosen you, but what next? Do you put this word into action? Do you get on with the mission - whatever it may be, or do you sit on it in the guise that you want to give it some thought before you do anything? Consideration is good but, not at the cost of sitting there and not doing anything.

Be honest, in the past, has God asked you to do a particular task for Him? It may have been large or small. The thing is, did you do it? If so, what was the outcome? If not, why not? God trusts you and when He gives you things to do, he ensures that you are ably qualified to carry this out. Don't worry, if you didn't do what He asked you to do, He is not going to block your way into heaven but, you do need to tell Him that you're sorry and ask if the task is still open, will He give you another opportunity.

Like the people I mentioned at the beginning of this commentary, don't allow yourself to live in regret. God only has the best for you and, this may be to start a new career, business or to work for Him. You'll never know until you try though.

Copyright 2023 Grahame Howard.                          

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