Monday, 19 June 2023

Making excuses

"And remember, when you're being tempted, do not say, 'God is tempting me.' God is never tempted  to do wrong, and He never tempts anyone else."   James 1:13  NLT

Temptations come from evil desires from within us, never from God. They start with a bad thought and, as we concentrate on this, it can lead us to action rather like a snowball rolling down a hill gains more snow until it is massive. When we do wrong, it is so easy to blame other people, or the environment that we're in. When we do this, we are making excuses instead of taking the responsibility. We may say: 'It wasn't my fault, I couldn't help it. They made me do it. Anyway, God was tempting me to see if I would do it.'

Wrong! God does not tempt you. Own up to it and stop trying to blame someone else. Be responsible. This reminds me of Eve in the garden. She hadn't listened properly and the devil tricked her (Genesis 3:3-4). Then the excuses began. When God questioned Adam, he had the audacity to say that it was not his fault, 'It was the woman You gave me  who gave me the fruit, and I ate it.' Then when God asked Eve what she had done, she blamed the devil. Excuse after excuse, lie after lie. 

A person who makes excuses is trying to shift the blame from himself, or herself, onto something or someone else. They are refusing to take the responsibility, and this is one of the biggest problems that we have today - blame, blame and more blame, making excuses instead of admitting the truth. When you think about it, Eve was willing to accept Satan's viewpoint instead, of checking it out with God. After all, He was with them right there in the garden. Surely it would have been far easier to walk up to Him and confirm the truth. Adam was weak, he should have taken the responsibility from the start instead, of hiding behind his wife's back. He was the leader, not her. In Christian marriage, does this sound familiar?

Be honest, do you make excuses for things instead of making a stand and declaring your responsibility? Whether we are married or not, the Christian man and woman have to face up to their own particular responsibility; there should be no excuse made unless there is a valid reason for this. God is looking for people who will serve Him well, people who will carry out His mission, a person who doesn't keep looking back. Are you that person?

Copyright 2023 Grahame Howard.                          

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