Thursday, 15 June 2023

Shipwrecked. Part 2

"It was three months after the shipwreck that we set sail on another ship that had wintered at the island."   Acts 28:11   NLT

Yesterday, we looked at the general view of being shipwrecked. Today, let us take it further and look at shipwreck from a personal view:

In this economic time, many businesses have had to close, many because of financial pressures that have led them to become bankrupt. Of course, this may not be through business, just the sheer pressures of mismanagement of money or ever-rising debts, may lead a person to have to file for bankruptcy. This can bring about the feeling of failure upon the victim and may carry a certain stigma. In a way, this can be a shipwreck that brings that sinking feeling.
Sadly, many marriages are shipwrecked, ending in painful divorce. Where children are involved, this can have many psychological problems for them. The aftermath of divorce can carry contention for many years and affects the whole family. 
Losing one's job can be devastating. We all have financial commitments and when a person is shipwrecked in this manner, it can bring about many problems. The employment market, is not all that good and finding a replacement job may take ages, especially if it is a specialist, management job. This shipwreck can bring into play, involvement with our first two points here.
This is probably the most difficult shipwreck of all, one in which there are no replacements to be found. Death affects us all but, we rarely think about it until it comes our way. When it does, it can feel like the end of the world has come - there are no answers.

There are many other avenues that can be described as a shipwreck but the above are probably the most common. None of us want this type of shipwreck, they bring hurt and the pain is incredible. Many can't face it and take their own lives. But this is not the answer for the Christian. It's hard to realise it at the time but, God has a plan to keep you afloat. He knows your pain and He has provided a way forward but, only when your are ready. 

Remember, He has provided that ship that will help you sail again. You will not sink unless, you give in but, don't do that. Instead, take Jesus' hand, trust Him and allow Him to lead you step by step through the shipwreck until you are on solid ground.
You will sail again; there is life out there and it is for you.
Today, Jesus is extending His hand to you, take hold of it and allow Him to carry you until you are ready to move on again.

Copyright 2023 Grahame Howard.                          

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