Friday, 2 June 2023

Why are you so troubled?

"Let not your heart be troubled; you believe in God, believe also in Me."  
                                                                                         John 14:1  NKJV

Jesus spoke this to His disciples and it is understandable that they became troubled. They had given up everything to follow Him and now, He tells them that He is going away. He had also said that one of them was a traitor and prophesied that Peter would deny Him and walk away. From their perspective, it wasn't an encouraging conversation. He did though, back it up with a promise that He would come back for them and take them to be with Him. It was though, a shock for them to hear this. Again, this was change entering in. Change forces us out of our place of safety - our comfort zone, and we fight hard to avoid it because, it brings insecurity if we're not careful. Note though, Jesus didn't say that He was going away - permanently; not at all, He promised to return and this was something to hang on to.
In the midst of trouble, as Christians, we always have something to hang on to and, this is the fact that Jesus is with us constantly 24/7. Troubles will come into our lives, we don't live in Hollywood or Fairy Land, we dwell here on the earth and until Jesus comes for us, we will continue to have things pile up on us, to torment, drain and generally try to make us miserable.
You've probably discovered this on many occasions. Sometimes, you appear to have the troubles of the world upon yourself, where others seem to have none. Don't be fooled by this, the other people you see also have troubles, it's just that they may handle them better than you do or, hide them in a Walter Mitty style life. It's a case of learning to handle things better. Some days it can be chaos: the washing machine goes on the blink, your mobile's dead and you can't find the charger, the electricity goes off and you have no idea why and as you try to start the car, the battery is dead. It's a nightmare, but these things happen and you can't blame the devil for it all. Sometimes, God wants to check your staying power by allowing a trial and no matter how much you rant on, only prayer will change things.

Really, this is the answer - prayer. Whatever is happening in your life, prayer can bring change but, when things like this happen, its the last thing you want to do. But really, it's the only thing you can do, that is sensible. First of all, you need to get God's peace on what is happening. Troubles come but prayer can help bring the peace that surpasses all understanding (Philippians 4:7). Prayer can bring a calming effect to the problem, allowing you to make sense of what is happening and help you make the right decisions to help. All ranting and flapping about will achieve, is upset.

Therefore, don't allow yourself to get in such a state that, you can't cope. Pray and pray till it hurts. Easier said than done? Not really, you know it makes sense!

Copyright 2023 Grahame Howard.                          

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