Wednesday, 19 July 2023

God didn't answer my prayer

9You parents—if your children ask for a loaf of bread, do you give them a stone instead? 10Or if they ask for a fish, do you give them a snake? Of course not! 11So if you sinful people know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your heavenly Father give good gifts to those who ask him.   Matthew 7:9-11  NLT

You may say after begging God for something: 'Why doesn't God answer my prayers if His Word says, "Ask and Receive?'  There is a very simple answer to this, He gives what He feels is right for you and what you need, good gifts. God knows your future, He knows that if you asked Him to allow you to win the Lottery, you may not handle it properly. Many would go crazy and spend money like there is no tomorrow. Alcohol, the good life, adjusting overnight from what they were into what they are now. Some people have died because of this process. It may appear extravagant to pray to win such a large bulk of money, but many people do and it changes them because, they have not been used to this lifestyle. 

God is a loving God that longs to bless us but, He must be allowed to know what is best for us. To Him, some of the things that people ask for are like a poisonous snake and will only ruin a life. As we learn to know God better, we begin to ask for what is good for us and then, He grants it - good gifts. He is not stingy - not at all. He is our Father and therefore, He knows what is right for us. If you are a parent, would you give your child something that will be no good for them? Of course not. So, God is the same. He only gives us what we need but at times He will throw in a blessing too, like parents do.

If you have made Jesus your life, then He is the one that is responsible for ensuring that you have the best in all things. When scripture says, 'Ask and Receive,' as you ask with God in mind, He will bless you. As you walk closer with Him you will begin to realise just how much he loves you and how much He wants you to depend on Him for everything. So, if you get into a financial problem through no fault of your own, you can rely on Him to work on your behalf. If someone is wronging you, as you say to Him, 'Help Lord,' He will be right there to deal with the situation. In fact, you can rely on Him for everything. Don't get me wrong, He still wants you to be responsible and do whatever in the right way. But, when you find yourself in a scrape, He can be relied upon to help you.

So in all honesty, when you do things God's way, your prayers will be answered.

Copyright 2023 Grahame Howard.                          

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