"What do you want?" v35-37 John 1:35-39 NLT
John the Baptist, pointed Jesus out to two of his disciples - Andrew (Simon Peter's brother), and possibly John, the writer of this Gospel. Therefore, they followed Jesus and after a short while, Jesus stopped and asked them what they wanted. They answered, 'Rabbi, where are you staying?' Jesus answered, 'Come and see' v39. And from there, more was added.
See what Jesus asked: 'What do you want?' Initially, this comment could have been offensive, rather like we may say to someone who begins to follow us. It can make the hairs on the back of your neck stick up when this happens. However, Jesus intentions went deeper than this. He wanted to know if:
(1) they recognised Him as the Saviour
(2) if they had chosen to follow Him and be one of His disciples.
It's no different today. Jesus still asks this question to all who approach Him and searches our hearts to know our motives. Why is this? Because many follow Him for their own self-righteousness, they are out to promote their own Glory, not His. So, the question is what are your motives for belonging to Jesus. Are you after a leading role within your church so that you can be a somebody and be recognised for your great ministry. Or, are you seeking, not your own, but to promote the Name of Jesus, pointing people towards Him.
Self-seeking can take place without us even knowing about it. The moment we expect a pat on the back for preaching, leading worship or running a house group, we are in danger of puffing ourselves up and need to stop, and give the Glory to Jesus. When Jesus says, 'Come and see,' this is the moment when He is asking you to be open to Him, refuse any self-seeking ideas and allow Jesus to fill you with the power of the Holy Spirit; the reason for this is that, the Holy Spirit will always point the way to Jesus.
So are you ready to see what He has in store for you? If so, tell Him and expect Him to respond in whatever way He chooses.
Copyright 2023 Grahame Howard.
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