"In the spring of the year, when kings normally go out to war, David sent Joab and the Israelite army to fight the Ammonites." 2 Samuel 11 ff
David should have gone out to battle, instead he decided to laze about at home, and this was where it all went wrong for him. Strolling around the roof of his palace he noticed a beautiful woman bathing. She caught his attention so much that he asked about her to his servants and, was told that her name was Bathsheba. Hardly able to control himself, he sent for her and when she arrived, he had sex with her. A little later, she sent him word that she was pregnant.
David could have chosen to stop this before it started, but sin when it has taken root within, is hard to stop (James 1:14-15). We become more deeply involved in the mess of it all. David had looked at Bathsheba and he became full of lust. The more he looked at her, the worse he became. Isn't this reminiscent of Eve and the fruit in Genesis 3? The more she looked , the weaker she became and finally she sinned. The results of Eve's sin was devastating for the whole world. The result for David was he was responsible for the murder of Bathsheba's husband, Uriah. He was caught out by a prophecy by Nathan and Bathsheba lost the child. David could have lost his kingdom too but, God showed him grace following his repentance.
This was not just accidental sin, David made a deliberate choice to commit adultery with Bathsheba, he orchestrated the whole thing. He then tried to cover it up by manipulating Uriah and when that failed, having him placed on the front line of the battle. Be warned, your desire will always get the better of you unless you nip it in the bud straightaway. If you harbour unclean thoughts about another person, sooner or later you may be in a place where it could be realised. Don't go there, stay away from a place or person that you may feel drawn to in an immoral way. The consequences will be quite costly if you don't. Families are being torn apart because husbands and wives are not in control of there emotions and allow temptation of a 'bit of fun,' to lure them and when they are found out - which they will be sooner or later, they may lose their home, their family and their self-respect. Don't allow this to happen to you.
Don't be in the wrong place, online or in person. Avoid flirtation, it is dangerous because the devil can create one heck of a mess for you and others. Ask yourself, is it really worth it? Don't think that you can cover it up, someone will have noticed something and God will be one of them. Some people like to live on the wild side and, if that is you, sooner or later, you will be living on the wild side and boy, it can be very wild when you get caught out.
Ensure that you are in the right place, at the right time and, with the right person and avoid temptation at all costs.
Copyright 2023 Grahame Howard.
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