Sunday, 27 August 2023

Don't give up, go back the way you came

"Go back the same way you came, and travel to the wilderness of Damascus"  
                                                                               1 Kings 19:15   NLT 

Elijah had upset Jezebel - big time. He had become a thorn in her side predicting gloom and doom and now, he had caused the death of her prophets, so she was unable to know the future. She was livid and Elijah was afraid and fled for his life ending up alone in the wilderness. Look at his words to the LORD: 'I have had enough LORD, take my life, for I am no better than my ancestors who have already died' (1 Kings 19:4). Elijah had been victorious in his ministry on Mount Carmel and predicting rain after the drought he had caused, and yet, here he was scared. What had happened? 

It is possible that Elijah was tired, hungry and reaching emotional burnout. He may also have felt that Ahab and Jezebel would have bowed their knees to God and when they didn't, he felt a failure. Therefore, in a depressed and frightened state, he had ran for his life and was now alone and probably feeling sorry for himself too. This led him to want to give up. However, God didn't grant his request but sent an angel to give him food and drink. Then after he had rested, God told Elijah he was in the wrong place, 'What are you doing here?' v10. He then told him to go back to where he had been, there was work to be done.

Many times after great victories in ministry, discouragement can slip in and you can feel totally washed out. Even though you may have followed God's directions, there may still have been a part of your own power in this victory and it can be so draining. Don't forget their is a devil who is totally against you and, will fill your mind with all that you should have done and didn't and therefore, will make you feel a failure: 'Give up, you did it all wrong and you're of no use to God now." No, that is not the case, just because Elijah became discouraged and wished death on himself, didn't mean that God wouldn't use him again. Not at all; God told him to go back to where he had been. He would still use Elijah and, He will do you, as well.

You may have been feeling depressed and and had the feeling that God doesn't need you any longer. That is from the pit so, get rid of that thinking. God has given you a rest and time to be built up again and is getting ready to send you out again whether it's local or far away. There is no retirement in the Kingdom of God and you may have been on the subs bench for a little while but, ask yourself, is God telling you to go back the way you came. This could mean re-establishing yourself in the ministry that He initially gave you. Pray about it.

Copyright 2023 Grahame Howard.                          

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