Thursday, 31 August 2023

How do you handle your finances?

"Owe nothing to anyone - except for your obligation to love one another."  
                                                         Romans 13:8   NLT 

Many people are not in control of their finances - someone else is. And that someone is probably credit cards, loan sharks or a friend. Of course, we have essentials such as mortgage or rent payments, together with the household bills - electricity, gas, food, car expenses and whatever else that most families need. But what about the things that we don't need, but want? There is a major difference here.

We all see things that we would like when we browse through online stores or go out shopping. Sometimes, the feeling of liking something can turn into a 'Must have' and if we don't have the finance to back up this payment, then this is where the trouble can begin. Let's just say that the majority of people have a credit card and treated right, this little plastic thing can be a convenient way to purchase something. There is nothing wrong with this if we are sensible. What I mean is, when the credit card bill comes through the post, we pay off the full amount and then, we are in the clear again with no added percentages. However, if we opt to pay the minimal figure, this is where the added percentage comes into play and then, if we purchase anything else on the card, the bill increases and so on. Pretty soon, the bill is so large that it is impossible to pay without a major struggle. If you become in debt, then you become a slave to the person you owe money to. They are in control, not you. 

God's Word tells us above, that we should owe nothing to anyone. Many people who use a credit card and pay it off each month, cannot be classed as in debt. It is just a convenient way to buy things. But the one who knows they have not got the funds but, still go ahead and buy stuff on their card are. It is irresponsible and really, as a Christian, it is being a bad steward of the money you receive. Above everything, we should always give God a tithe - we owe this to Him. If we give more, this is an offering and we can be blessed in return for giving this. But to fail to give to God and yet become in debt to someone is not being responsible and we need to get it right.

If you are in debt, then it is time to be honest and do something about it. Be honest with who you owe the finance to and perhaps they will be able to help you create a repayment plan. Don't ignore this hoping that something will turn up. It's not often that an angel knocks on your door and hands you a bag of cash. Therefore, be sensible. refuse to use your credit card until you are in the clear. There is a way through all of this and it starts with being honest with God and asking Him to help you. He will, but it's unlikely that He will pay your debt off for you. He wants you to learn the right way and, sometimes it can be a hard lesson to learn.

Speak to Him about this right now

Copyright 2023 Grahame Howard.                          

Member of the National Association of Christian Ministers

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