Thursday, 24 August 2023

Is it pay back time?

"So David crept forward and cut off a piece of the hem of Saul's robe."   
                                                                     1 Samuel 24:4   NLT

David had a great opportunity to get Saul out of his life forever. David and his men had been hiding from Saul in a cave when, all of a sudden Saul came in to relieve himself. Because of his jealousy, Saul was intent on killing David and had been searching for him following his battle with the Philistines. David's men encouraged him to take the opportunity to kill Saul but, he chose differently and crept up behind him and cut off a piece of his robe. David's reason was, Saul was God's anointed (v6), and he could not hurt what God had put into place. There's a lesson here, you may not like a particular leader of a church; they may be doing everything that you and others feel is wrong but, that person is still God's anointed. He has put that person in place and He will deal with what is wrong, not you, whether you like it or not, that person is God's anointed one so, be careful.

David chose a better way by cutting off part of Saul's robe, he would later be able to show Saul how he had spared his life. There are times when people will hurt you, whether it be by accident or intentional. The natural reaction is to want to retaliate but, what good would that do? You would be falling to their level but, more importantly, you would be preventing God from working on your behalf. Romans 12:19-21 plainly tells us that we should not take revenge, God will do that on our behalf. He is far better at this kind of thing than we are. So, if someone wrongs you, don't fall into an argument that may lead to a brawl; instead, give it to God and let Him sort it out for you.

For most people, this can be difficult. But, with discipline, it can be achieved. There are a lot of Christians who, when they think back, wish they had done this in the past. Don't be one of them, avoid being overrun with guilt and regret. Keep a tight rein on your mouth and be in control. We are told to be alert and ready, but this means to do things God's way, not to be a vigilante. 

In closing, what are your reactions like? Are you in control of them. Remember what James said in verse one: 'You must all be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to get angry'  James 1:19. NLT. This is a great place to start and one of those verses that you need to hang on to. If you do, you are well on the way to improving your reactions.

Copyright 2023 Grahame Howard.                          

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