Tuesday, 22 August 2023

Pay attention

"My child, pay attention to what I say. Listen carefully to my words. 21 Don't lose sight of them. Let them penetrate deep into your heart, 22 for they bring life to those who find them, and healing to their whole body."   Proverbs 4:20-22   NLT

One of my biggest faults at school was not listening to what the teacher was saying. I would drift off into my own world, oblivious to what was going on around me. Often, the teacher would notice this and ask me what I thought about what he was saying. I would splutter out a load of garbage and it was obvious that I had not been listening. I really had to work hard to catch up. This followed me into University, and many are the times that I would have to ask a friend what the tutor had been saying about some topic or other. My attention span was zilch and to a degree still is.

Many of us are like this; we are not all diagnosed with ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder), but we have so much going on in our heads that it is hard to focus. How many times have you been in church and haven't a clue what the preacher was talking about? This is something that we need to keep in check. Another area is reading, we can read a chapter and not have a clue what we have just read and, therefore, have to regress to the beginning again. 

Solomon, in these three verses above, encourages us to pay attention to what is being said and, this includes reading. He tells us that we need to listen carefully and not lose sight or fail to hear, what is being said. The words need to penetrate our hearts because they are life to us and healing to our whole body. In other words, they are full of wisdom and wisdom will lead us on to better things - a job, university place and whatever else. 

When we read the bible, we need to realise that the words we are reading are holy, powerful and bring life and healing to us. They are the Word of the Lord and  do we need to hear those. This is why reading our bible is paramount to whatever else we may read or do. If we don't read it and contain it in our hearts, we will miss out on what God is saying to us. He has the answer to what you are worrying about. He has the answer to what happened to your dream and why certain things have happened to you. The Word of God is our food and we need to eat it every day and not only that, we need to study it, so that we get a good picture of what is happening. Buy yourself a decent copy of the bible, one which is understandable but accurate as well. 

Ask God to help you concentrate, I have to and it works. Push yourself to grasp hold of what is being said, get a decent bible commentary to help explain the passage and learn to always pay attention whenever someone is speaking to you or, if you are reading something, especially your bible.

You haven't got ADD, you just need to discipline your whole mind and allow God to penetrate every inch of your life.

Copyright 2023 Grahame Howard.                                


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