Wednesday, 9 August 2023

Watch your desire!

"I have made a covenant with my eyes not to look with lust at a young woman"  
                                                                              Job 31:1   NLT 

In this day of equality, this verse relates to both male and female; both are capable of looking at the opposite sex in a flirtatious manner. From one point of view, it could be considered natural as we were born into sin and therefore, are only doing what is in our heart. This is what we have to be wary of; we have a spiritual nature and a sinful one - spirit v flesh and they are in constant battle with each other.

Job realised the importance of this and, this is why he made a covenant - a contract - with his eyes not to allow them to look at a woman in a lustful manner. The sinful nature is at work in us constantly. We can be sitting in a store or pub and catch the eye of someone and allow the eyes to linger just that little bit more than we should. If the other person reciprocates then a form of chemistry is being formed and that is all it takes to walk the first steps into an adulterous relationship, or fantasise about it. Of course, we can't prevent our eyes looking at someone else but, it is the signal that they convey to the other person that can start the fire going.

It is the desire within us: 'Temptation comes from our own desires, which entice us and drag us away. 15 These desires give birth to sinful actions. And when sin is allowed to grow, it gives birth to death'  James 1:14-15 NLT. We constantly have to be on the lookout in order to fulfil our contract. Remember that Peter warned us about the devil prowling around us all the time (1 Peter 5:8-9).

The desire that we feel from our sinful nature, is the same desire that leads us to look longly at things in a shop window or online. Some things are way out of our price range but, the more we look at them, the more we want them, the sinful desire is beginning to work. Then, before we know it, we are in debt because we couldn't control our urge. This is how Eve was caught out in the garden that day (Gen 3). The more she looked, the more she wanted the fruit and that is how disaster struck.

It is so important to take this on board; your mind may say, 'It'll be ok, it won't do any harm.' But don't believe that statement. It is a lie from the pit and we know who reigns there. Just walk in the Spirit and enjoy your life with Jesus.

Copyright 2023 Grahame Howard.                          

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