Saturday 16 September 2023

Do it, don't just talk about it

"In all labour there is profit, but idle chatter leads only to poverty."   
                                                                              Proverbs 14:23   NKJV

Some people like to talk about their plans but, they never actually put these plans into practice. They are just pipe dreams. The problem is, in later years this can all lead to regret and one is left with the thought, 'I wish I'd have done it; I was a fool I just felt scared to take the first step.' Just think, if the priests carrying the ark of the covenant, had not stepped into the River Jordan that day, the waters would not have parted and the people would not have been able to cross safely (Joshua 3:15-17.)

Warren W Wiersbe comments: 'Human-kind seems to be divided into three classes:
Dreamers  who have great ideas but never accomplish much.
Talkers  who exercise their jaw-muscles and vocal cords but not their hands and feet.
Doers  who talk little but with God's help turn their dreams into realities.

Which one are you? Are you a dreamer, having good ideas but never getting round to it? Are you a talker, who talks forever about this or that but again, it is only talk. And of course there is the doer. This person knows what they want and go out and get it.
Think about the successful people we have read about or seen on the TV. These people spent hours learning their skills; practicing them and perfecting them and, when the time was right, went out and became famous and no doubt rich.

When God gives you a special gifting or a great idea, don't just sit on it, put it into action. He doesn't give you these things to just sit and look at or think about, He is after action and He has the faith in you to go and get into that action. 'Yes, but what if it goes wrong, I'll look a fool?' Who cares what you look like just do it and let God worry about the rest. 'Yes, it's all right saying that, but it'll take money and I haven't got much.' No, but God has loads of it and if He has asked you to do this, He'll provide what you need'

The thing is, you either believe and trust in God, or you don't. Look at the first part of our text above: 'In all labour there is profit - ' In other words, work brings profit so, step into the water and the waters will part. It's all a matter of faith. Think about it, if God has called you to do something, that is so wonderful - in fact, it's an honour, just trust Him.

What title are you going to take on board today, Dreamer, Talker or Doer? Remember, we walk by faith, not by sight, 2 Cor 5:7. You have to take the first step. It may mean, writing that book, starting that church, moving house or job or starting that business. It may be something else but, remember, God is faithful, He won't let you down.

Copyright 2023 Grahame Howard.                                   

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