Wednesday, 27 September 2023

Envy, jealousy and hurt pride. Part 2

'Jesus said, 'Anyone who is not against you, is for you."   Luke 9:50  NLT 

Carrying on from yesterday, let's delve into this further. Not everyone will be your favourite person. We have friends and we have people that we like and tolerate and sadly there are a few that we don't go near. But the person that makes you feel jealous and envious is the difficult one. For instance, this person may be delegated the role of House Group leader for the group that you attend. How will you handle that, would you leave or remain? If you did the former, you would need a valid reason for doing this; just because you don't like them would not really be the answer; your pastor would soon have something to say about reconciling this. If you chose to stay in the group, how would you work that one? You would have a choice to make and that would be, give the person the benefit of the doubt, in which you may find that the person is not too bad. The other part of the choice would be to be stubborn, refusing to believe anything that this person says and just glaring at them. 

You may well be in a situation at this moment where someone has been made an elder or house group leader and you are getting all wound up about it. You may say, 'Of all the people, why has he/she been put in this position?' The answer to this is because God wanted it. So are you going to argue with God and tell Him He made the wrong choice? Of course you won't. Really you need to look within yourself and determine what it is that is causing you this feeling. Is it jealousy or envy? Has this person hurt you in the past? Or is it just a clash of personalties? It needs to be resolved, otherwise it will destroy your walk with God. 

If there is a history between you and this person, perhaps you need to meet and talk it through and hopefully find reconciliation. If not, it may be the right thing to find another church, but this must be the last resort. There may not be history between you and it may just be friction on your part. Look at Jesus' comments above: 'Anyone who is not against you, is for you.'
Do you know this person? Have you tried to get to know him/her? Perhaps this should be the first place to start. Sadly, we can't always resolve personality issues but, we can overcome them by being more like Jesus. Anyway, you don't go to church or home groups to be like this person, you go to be more like Jesus and, this is what you should do.

You may not ever get through to some people but, you can overcome any rough edges by showing them Jesus. Remember that!

Lord Jesus, I have sinned and I ask you to forgive me and be my Lord and Saviour. Please come into my heart, fill me with Your Spirit and give me a brand new start today.

In Jesus' Name. Amen

Copyright 2023 Grahame Howard.                                   

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