Saturday, 14 October 2023

That sinking feeling

"He brought me up from a desolate pit, out of the muddy clay, and set my feet on a rock, making my steps secure."   Psalm 40:2   CSB 

If you've ever been in quicksand you will know how terrifying this is. Quicksand can be found around sandy coastlines and is very difficult to spot until it's too late. It may also be found in woods near rivers and streams that have been subjected to prolonged water conditions making the ground very soft. It's a well known fact that the more you struggle, the more you will sink and this can be very dangerous if it is near a beach and the tide is due in. Experts tells us that it is best to remain calm and not to struggle too much because this can make a person sink further. If it is possible, the best thing to do is to lay back and wriggle until the legs become free. Others say, it may be possible to lay down on your front and attempt to swim, again trying to force the legs from their incredibly tight situation. Whatever you may do, it must be a very scary and terrifying thing to go through.

King David had this sinking feeling when he penned Psalm 40. He talks about being rescued from a desolate pit and mired clay. It was possibly some time before God rescued him but David, waited patiently V1. Obviously, this was just a picture that David was expressing but there are some similarities to being trapped in mud. Notice what David wrote in verse 2 'and set my feet on a rock.' Other versions may state 'Solid ground,' but the picture can still be seen that God was the rock or the solid ground. At this particular time, David was in a bit of a state and when He called out to God, He lifted him from this sinking feeling and made him feel that He was on solid ground. The rock - Jesus, saved him.

We see other evidences of this throughout the bible, such as, Daniel in the Lion's den Ch 6. Also Paul and Silas in the dungeons shackled in stocks and chains. On both occasions God protected and saved them (Acts 16).
You may be walking through a storm at this time, wondering just how you are going to be delivered from this quicksand feeling. Be encouraged, God is interested in helping you. You are His child and He will never leave you. Remember the disciples on their little boat in the storm? They were frightened that they would be drowned but, Jesus who was asleep in another part of the boat, calmed the storm and brought peace to their situation Mark 4:35-41.

Be encouraged, you may have that trapped or sinking feeling, but Jesus is a great rescuer. Call to Him.

Lord Jesus, I have sinned and I ask you to forgive me and be my Lord and Saviour. Please come into my heart, fill me with Your Spirit and give me a brand new start today.

In Jesus' Name. Amen

Copyright 2023 Grahame Howard.                                   

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