Wednesday, 22 November 2023

If You say it, I'll do it

"Master, we have toiled all night and caught nothing; nevertheless at Your word I will let down the net."     Luke 5:5   NKJV 

We saw yesterday, that Jesus had told Peter to go out into deeper water where He would find fish. Now, just look at the character of Peter, he was a rough and ready fisherman. Just go down any quayside when the trawlers have come in and hear their colourful language, especially if the sea has been rough or they have not caught what they expected. Peter and the other guys were no different; in fact Peter's reply could have been so different; remember he was tired and not in any mood for small talk. He could have said, 'Listen Jesus, I'm a professional fisherman, You are just a carpenter, what do You know?' The amazing thing is, he didn't say anything like that; his reply was, 'Nevertheless, at Your word I will let down the net.' Even through his frustration, he knew that Jesus was totally different, He had healed his mother-in-law, He had been a guest at his house. Deep down in his heart, he had respect for Jesus. So they went again in search of fish and caught a great number, so many that their nets were at risk of breaking. You know, sometimes you may not like what Jesus says to you, especially when you are tired and worn-out. But, to obey Him can bring great rewards.

I remember one particular social work day. I had been on leave for just under three weeks and I was dreading going back to work because there would be a backlog of messages, problems, new cases, meetings and whatever waiting for me. I was right, as I walked into the office, I could feel Jesus was with me and when I picked up my work tray, it was spilling over with all of this and more. However, I clearly heard Jesus say in my spirit, 'My, what a lot of work we have here.' As I walked to my desk I realised that Jesus had said, 'we have.' Jesus would be here to help me and, He did. By the end of the day, I had cleared all of the backlog and was able to carry on with my appointments for the following day.
Because I accepted that Jesus was going to help me, I was rewarded with Him taking care of things so quickly - appointments and meetings were cancelled, what appeared to be trouble and problems just disappeared. It was amazing. I could have told Him that He was not a social worker but, instead I took Him on as my co-worker.

You may be tired, worn-out and nearing burnout. Ask Jesus for His help and, when He comes, allow Him to place suggestions into your mind; take His advice and make Him the central point of your life. There may be things you need, tell Him. He knows already but, when we ask Him for things, He wants us to act in faith I need a new MacBook Air. I've told Him about this, I've asked, believed and received. Today, while walking our dog, I found 40p on the pavement. I was happy, Jesus has given me 40p towards the cost. You may laugh but, this is how we live. We trust Jesus.

So, when He asks you to do something, let your answer be, 'Yes Lord, I will do it.' 

If you are not born again and want to be, here I’ll below is a prayer of salvation:
'Lord Jesus, I have sinned and I ask you to forgive me and be my Lord and Saviour. Please come into my heart, fill me with Your Spirit and give me a brand new start today.

In Jesus' Name. Amen'

Copyright 2023 Grahame Howard.                                   

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