Thursday, 7 December 2023

The Benefits of God

"And forget not all His benefits' v2.  Psalm 103:1-5   NKJV

One of the many things that we, as humans, forget, is to thank God for all He does for us on a daily basis. This is why, David wrote this; he was reminding us that every day God brings us benefits that bless us. We need to remember this on a daily basis and yet, it seems to slip our minds. If we did this with someone close to us, such as a spouse, they would soon become upset and feel like we are using them as a doormat. So, how does God feel about this? From one point of view, He doesn't judge us for forgetting Him and He doesn't point the finger at us for it. However, He loves us so much that He hurts when we forget to say thank you. It is like taking Him for granted.

Just look at the benefits David mentions in this Psalm:
FORGIVES US. Just think of all the things that we do, each day, that we know are wrong. We know they're wrong because the Holy Spirit convicts us. Yet, we still do them. But when we confess these to God, He forgives. We don't deserve this but, get it anyway and it's called Grace.
HEALS US  This is not always physical healing. It can be the healing of our emotions. Many things fill our lives with pain and sometimes, they are unbearable, but He is there to comfort and support us through them all.
REDEEMS US  We were heading for destruction because of our sin. But, at the right moment Jesus was there to save us. He paid the price for us at the cross
CROWNS US WITH HIS LOVING MERCY  His lovingkindness is always there, especially when the devil is telling tales about us, accusing us of this and that. Jesus puts a crown on our heads and declares us holy.
SATISFIES AND RENEWS  Think of those days when we have been walked all over, cheated on and defeated and left to rot. Those days when there is no-one who wants to help us or even care. Days like this, you know who your friends are and, your greatest friend is Jesus. He satisfies your needs and makes you feel completely new.

These are the things we know about but, we are so familiar with them that we tend to take for granted. Possibly it is time to place these uppermost in our mind. They are solid and reliable areas that keep us from sinking and draw us closer to Jesus as we tell Him how grateful we are for all He does.

If you don't know Jesus or have fell away, here is a prayer for you:

'Lord Jesus, I have sinned and I ask you to forgive me and be my Lord and Saviour. Please come into my heart, fill me with Your Spirit and give me a brand new start today.

In Jesus' Name. Amen'

Copyright 2023 Grahame Howard.                                   

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