Wednesday, 24 January 2024

You have a hope within

"Christ in you, the hope of glory."   Colossians 1:27  NKJV

Even though the Old Testament pointed to Jesus right from before creation, there was still a certain mystery about it all. The Jews were God's favoured people but, the Gentiles - which includes ourselves, appeared to be left out of this blessing. David Guzik gives a good explanation of this in his commentary:

 Hidden from ages and generations: This reminds us that there are aspects to God’s plan that were not clearly revealed in the Old Testament. The specific mystery Paul refers to in v26, deals with many aspects of the work of Jesus in His people, but especially the plan of the church, to make one body out of Jew and Gentile, taken from the “trunk” of Israel, yet not Israel.
ii. “The mystery is this: that God had designed to grant the Gentiles the same privileges with the Jews, and make them his people who were not his people. That this is what Paul means by the mystery, see Ephesians 3:3, etc.” (Clarke)
a. This mystery among the Gentiles: which is Christ in you: The wonder and glory of the abiding, indwelling Jesus was not clearly revealed in the Old Testament, especially that He would abide in the Gentiles. Therefore, this aspect of the work of Jesus in His people was a mystery that wasn’t revealed until the time of Jesus and the apostles.
b. Christ in you, the hope of glory: This is the Christian’s hope of glory. It isn’t our own hard work or devotion to God, or the power of our own spirituality. Instead, it is the abiding presence of Jesus: Christ in you.   David Guzik, Enduring Word.

A relationship with God, was hidden from the Gentiles by the early church leaders. But God changed all that when He came to us as Jesus Christ. And all who accept Him are in-dwelt with His love and power and given the hope of glory. And this is you and I. But we are still a work in progress but Jesus is teaching us every day. This is why it is so important to have this relationship with Him. In the spring and summer months, beautiful dragon flies can be seen flying like little helicopters over our land. If you're a lover of nature, it is amazing to capture these with your camera. They are wonderful. But, they didn't start life like this. They began life in water as bugs, not so nice to view. Yet over time, they crept up the stems of the greenery and evolved into the beauty we see. This is a lovely picture of you and I. We come to Jesus not knowing much of Him at all; and as we attend church, bible studies and read our bibles, we slowly gain maturity and it is God's intention that we then shine as Ambassadors of Christ. It's not easy but, with Jesus in our hearts, we are new people. We have a hope where there wasn't one before.

You may not think much of yourself at this time in your life but listen, you're not like that wrinkly old water bug, you are who Jesus intended you to be. You are beautifully created and you have a hope - a Godly hope, not as the world hopes - you have this hope that one day you will be with Jesus. But until then, God wants you to take your beauty throughout this land and display this wherever you may be. Shine for Jesus. You are a special person!

If you don't know Jesus or, have fallen away, why not say this prayer right now:
'Lord Jesus, I have sinned and I ask you to forgive me and be my Lord and Saviour. Please come into my heart, fill me with Your Spirit and give me a brand new start today.

In Jesus' Name. Amen'

Copyright 2024 Grahame Howard.                                   

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