Saturday, 17 February 2024


"To everything there is a season, a time for every purpose under heaven." 
                                   Ecclesiastes 3:1ff  CSB 

If there is one word that can put some people in fear, it is 'change'. Many, many people do not like changes. Why is this? Well, many have become comfortable in their lifestyle. They have built for themselves a comfort zone and mostly, they feel very secure in this. When the threat of change comes along, it brings panic and fear and it is all they can focus on.
Change brings a loss and vice-versa. At a very early stage in our lives we undergo change. There is nursery or play schools to attend. This is probably the child's first time without a parent and it can be frightening initially. As time goes on, there are more changes, primary school, secondary school and for some, college or even university. All these changes bring a loss. Loss of what you knew and liked and having to start afresh somewhere else finding new friends with the loss of old ones. A family may move home yet again causing  another loss which the change of circumstances cause.

It can be an onward battle for some where others, may enjoy the excitement of change. In adulthood, there are further changes: possibly marriage, having children, new jobs,
moving home again, loss of a loved one, divorce or separation, redundancy, retirement and many more changes to negotiate. Loss brings change and change brings loss, there's no real way around it, it is called life.
Change can cause total chaos to some family members. One minute you had friends, now that you've moved those friends are no longer close to you. This can be a problem to many people, especially teenagers if there was a first love element in progress. All of this may cause depression - what we had we no longer have. It hurts and there appears no end to the pain. 

All of the above and much more, may have affected you in the past and you may be still pining for that village, that person and those friends. The thing is, in an ever-changing life, change has to happen, it is called progress. Without it life may turn into a boring humdrum and this is no good to anyone. Try to pinpoint the good points of change, there are some, you just have to find them. It calls for a change of attitude by giving the changes a chance. One thing is sure, change comes to all of us and sometimes we have little say about it. For example, if someone is in a tied job situation, if that job no longer exists for you, then a house move and new job must be sought. Again, if redundancy happens and you can't afford the mortgage payments any longer, eventually you may have to move. There is change everywhere we look.
Let us not forget our health; one minute you may have an accident and be left disabled. Or you may be fit and healthy, the next moment diagnosed with something nasty. Changes can be just around the corner for us all. Therefore, why not make the most of what you have at this time and be grateful to God for all that He has given us and will continue to do so. 

If you don't know Jesus or, have fallen away, why not say this prayer right now:
'Lord Jesus, I have sinned and I ask you to forgive me and be my Lord and Saviour. Please come into my heart, fill me with Your Spirit and give me a brand new start today.

In Jesus' Name. Amen'

Copyright 2024 Grahame Howard.                          

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