Friday, 9 February 2024

Type A and Type B people

"Let nothing be done through selfish ambition or conceit, but in lowliness of mind let each esteem others better than himself."   Philippians 2:3   NKJV

Are you familiar with the term Type A and Type B people? You should be because you are either one of them or, an individual who fits into both types. Let me explain. According to the Medical News for Today:
Type A and type B are two main personality categories. People with type A
personalities may be ambitious, aggressive, and competitive. People with type B personalities may be laid-back, flexible, and patient. Personality refers to the pattern of emotions, thoughts, and behaviors that make each individual who they are.
Personality can affect how people interact with others, their approach to work, and how they respond to stressful events. A person may have a Type A or B personality depending on the key characteristics they display. These traits may impact their work or studies and their interactions with others. They may also affect their health. medical news for

The Type A traits are: competitive, time urgent and impatient/intolerant. They may display hostility and aggression, feel guilt if they relax in spare times, Move, walk and eat rapidly, experts at multitasking, ambitious and much more.
Type B traits are: relaxed, laid back, non-competitive, won't be rushed.
If both of these types meet a mountain in their way, Type A will try to climb it to get by. Type B will relax and wait for help.

Typical Type A behaviour is preparing a simple breakfast. The kettle is switched on, bread put in the toaster, plates on the table and their own toast must be buttered. All of this must be done before the kettle has boiled. They race against this time. If the kettle boils first a feeling of failure hits them and they may become annoyed. Simple tasks like cutting the grass are also monitored by time. They know it should take 45 Minutes to cut it; one minute over and they feel that they're running late. Another example is driving. They know that the journey takes a certain time and they are watching the clock to check certain points. If someone wants to stop for a toilet break, they begin to flap because all of the people they have passed, will be in front of them again and, they will have lost time.  This sums up their lives - full speed ahead. Whereas, Type B just plods along in relax mode and refuses to be rushed. This infuriates Type A and they keep urging them along. 
I must admit that I'm a bit of a Type A and when we are going anywhere, there is a schedule to keep. My wife is Type B and never rushes - at all. In the end, I go and sit in the car to wait. What this achieves I don't know, but it seems to work.

Do you see yourself in these Types? If so, what Type are you? The thing is, you probably can't change who you are but, you can be less demanding on these schedules, (Yes, I'm speaking to myself). Scripture tells us that nothing should be done from selfish ambition or conceit. In other words Type A, there is a need to work round these traits to make it more acceptable to those around. Type B, there is a need to be understanding to Type A and work with them. We're all different and have different ways of doing things. Tolerance and understanding, together with prayer, can be a great solution. One good thing from Type A and B people is, they can help each other. A magnet has two poles, one positive, one negative. The like poles placed together will repel each other. Yet the unlike poles (Positive to negative) will join together and work well. There is a learning curve here for both Type A and B.

If you don't know Jesus or, have fallen away, why not say this prayer right now:
'Lord Jesus, I have sinned and I ask you to forgive me and be my Lord and Saviour. Please come into my heart, fill me with Your Spirit and give me a brand new start today.

In Jesus' Name. Amen'

Copyright 2024 Grahame Howard.                          

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