Thursday, 28 March 2024

The journey to the cross

"Now when He said to them, 'I am He.' They drew back and fell to the ground."  
                                                            John 18:6. NKJV

Jesus' life continued to be one of humiliation and suffering. He was betrayed by a friend - Judas, who was in His own team. Even though Jesus knew this would happen, it would still hurt after being together for so long. When trust is broken, it can rarely be repaired to the place it was initially. Jesus asked them who they were seeking and when they answered, He replied with the powerful words, 'I am He.' Jesus spoke the divine name, the one God had spoken to Moses about, and this became a powerful moment. The people, including Judas drew back and fell over. This must have been a mighty moment to witness, and yet, they appear not to have mentioned it. Peter always ready for action, took his sword and cut off the high priest's servant's ear. Straightaway, Jesus rebuked him and picked up the ear and healed the man. Amazing.
The soldiers and officials took Jesus with them to be questioned by the high priest and then before Pilate. The latter could find no fault in Him but, because of his position and the demands of the people, he had Jesus scourged prior to crucifixion. 
Peter kept himself at a distance and began to deny he even knew Jesus to save himself. As predicted by Jesus, on the third denial, a cock crowed and Peter went off deeply upset. Let's not forget, this too would have been so hurtful for Jesus. 

In the meantime, Pilate had Jesus scourged, which was a terrible thing for anyone to suffer. A whip was used with leather strips on which each had pieces of bone, broken pottery or metal sewn into them. Thirty nine agonising stripes were inflicted on Jesus. The whip would wrap around the body and then it would be pulled, violently, leaving the body badly lacerated and the victim in terrible pain. Jesus suffered 39 of these lashes and it is difficult to describe how it affected His body. Afterwards, a crown was weaved with very long thorns and this, when completed, was forced on to Jesus scalp. That in itself would have been barbaric. The soldiers dressed Him in a purple robe and then they struck Him, spat on Him, pulled His beard and no doubt, things that we are not told. All the time they were shouting, 'Hail, King of the Jews.' Later He would be taken to the crucifixion site.

It is hard to know what was happening that day. The level of evil was everywhere and you can guess that Satan was loving every moment of this torture scene. On thing is for sure, despite His human form, Jesus stood the test of time and never uttered a word of vengeance or anger to the people who were hurting Him. He didn't have to, His time would come following His death and He would rise victorious as Jesus Christ, King of kings and Lord of lords. Until then, the cross was in sight

If you don't know Jesus or, have fallen away, why not say this prayer right now:
'Lord Jesus, I have sinned and I ask you to forgive me and be my Lord and Saviour. Please come into my heart, fill me with Your Spirit and give me a brand new start today.

In Jesus' Name. Amen'

Copyright 2024 Grahame Howard.                          

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