Thursday, 11 April 2024

Jonah Part 4

"But it displeased Jonah exceedingly, and he became angry."   Jonah 4:1  NKJV 

Jonah had problems that he had internalised and, when we fail to vent our feelings, they become like a cancer within us and lead us to being hard-hearted and lacking in love and compassion. This showed in the way he felt about other people, especially the Ninevites, whom he felt should be destroyed. When he couldn't have his own way, he wished death upon himself.
Here we find him having a good old whinge to God v1-3. God listens and asks him if he has any right to feel anger. Jonah decides to ignore this and goes outside to sulk and look over at Nineveh with the hope that God might change His mind and destroy the place. He was feeling very sorry for himself and his lack of love and compassion could not be hidden. He was seething. You may not think this but, people can tell when you are angry. It is in your body language.
God had used Jonah mightily, this could not be disputed and, one would have thought that his evangelistic heart would have been on fire because of the success of his preaching. But, not so, he wanted nothing to do with it all and probably deep down, wished he hadn't accepted God's call. Whereas, God's heart melts when people repent from their sinful life, Jonah was totally opposite, he hated the fact that this wicked people would share in God's kingdom.
Are there people in your life that make you feel this way? They have repented and received God's forgiveness but, you still have a few remarks in your Record of Wrongs book. If there is, God doesn't make mistakes so, as you are going to share heaven with these people, perhaps it is a good idea to change your thinking and find some grace.  If not, Jesus' words can come back at you 'Judge not, that you be not judged. 2 For with what judgement you judge, you will be judged'  (Matt 7:1-2). 
God prepared a plant for Jonah so that he had some shade from the burning sun. There's no record that he thanked God for this, only that he was very pleased. Sadly, overnight, a worm completely destroyed the plant and Jonah turned to his child ego with threats of anger and ending his life again. God gave him both barrels saying that he had pity for the plant that had been killed and yet, he had no compassion on the thousands who would die without repentance. It was almost like God was saying, 'You need to get your values right Jonah.' 
How can we be heartless to sinners when we know where we have come from before we were saved? Without compassion we will never make it. What happened to Jonah is unknown. Perhaps he did eventually turn from his hard-heartedness, perhaps he didn't'. We will find out one day. 

The thing that has come through loud and clear to me is, we need to forgive people, we need to stop judging them and we need to show them the love and peace of God. We may be tempted to point the finger at times but remember, when we do, that finger will point back at us. We need to sow love and compassion wherever we may go.

If you don't know Jesus or, have fallen away, why not say this prayer right now:
'Lord Jesus, I have sinned and I ask you to forgive me and be my Lord and Saviour. Please come into my heart, fill me with Your Spirit and give me a brand new start today.

In Jesus' Name. Amen'

Copyright 2024 Grahame Howard.                          

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