Friday, 12 July 2024

Use your prayer language

"But you, beloved, building yourselves up on your most holy faith, praying in the Holy Spirit."                          Jude 20   NKJV 

Do you use your prayer language? This means, praying in your own language as prompted by the Spirit. This may be with groaning which cannot be uttered (Rom 8:26) as directed by the Holy Spirit. It may also be praying in tongues, unknown or known to the pray-er. Think about it for a moment. The devil hasn't a clue what we're praying and this can catch him by surprise. We pray by faith in the Spirit. and thus, we build ourselves up. 

Praying in the Spirit is (1) for personal edification and (2) for public exhortation. Speaking in tongues is an indication of the Holy Spirit's presence within the person. For personal edification, speaking in tongues brings us closer to God and seals us with Jesus. As said, it is a personal time with Jesus and can be a time of incredible blessing, especially when there is no-one around. Speaking in tongues edifies the person using this language. Whereas, speaking in tongues in public worship only edifies believers when it is interpreted, so, the worshipper is to pray for the interpretation but, if it is withheld, the person should keep silent unless there is someone who functions in the gift of interpretation who is present (1 Cor 14.5, 28).

Regarding the (1) Personal Edification. Some people spend a lot of time on their own speaking to God in their prayer language (tongues). Some people frown on the use of tongues and it has been a major conflict in churches where there is no freedom in the Spirit. However, one cannot get away from the fact of what it says in the bible. It is part of our worship both personal and publicly. Although, the latter is not used very often in some churches. Whether this is embarrassment or a church rule, one has to decide.

None of this is a problem. If you don't speak in tongues yourself, ask God for this gift. Once you receive it, you may feel that you are speaking Gobbledygook, but don't worry, keep practicing and don't be put off. There is power in speaking in tongues, especially when you consider that Satan hasn't a clue what you are saying. This is why he will try to block you by saying it is not of God and all other accusatory terms that he can throw at you. Take no notice and do it. You will be personally edified and blessed. Make it an everyday occurrence.

The Holy Spirit will never lead you astray. His purpose is always to point you to Jesus. See what it says in John 16:13:

"However, when He, the Spirit of Truth has come, He will guide you into all truth, for He will not speak on His own authority, but whatever He hears He will speak; and He will tell you things to come."

Therefore, get close to Him, trust Him and realise that He is 100% committed to you and to Jesus. Remember the Holy Trinity, God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. Three separate persons in one = the Trinity'

If you don't know Jesus or, have fallen away, why not say this prayer right now:
'Lord Jesus, I have sinned and I ask you to forgive me and be my Lord and Saviour. Please come into my heart, fill me with Your Spirit and give me a brand new start today.

In Jesus' Name. Amen'

Copyright 2024 Grahame Howard.                          

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