Sunday, 28 July 2024

When you don't know what to do Part 2

"In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths."  Proverbs 3:6  NKJV

Note the term, 'In all your ways.' This is a key statement for living a Christian life. When we accept Jesus into our lives we, are really making this statement that we choose to live our life fully for Jesus, no matter what. Pleasing God is our aim, as we do this, He in return will please us, protect us and bless us. This is why we need to get to know Jesus intimately. He longs for us to do this and as we do this, the blessing will pour out on us in abundance (John 10:10,) 

The text above backs this up with the words, 'He shall direct your paths'. Probably a better way of putting it is 'He will make your paths straight.' NIV. When we are on a straight road we can see what's ahead. There are no sharp bends that may have something round them such as, road works, another car or someone walking along the road. No, usually, a straight path is better. Think about that in a spiritual way. Life has certain surprises that can catch us out unexpectedly. We never know what is round the next corner of life. This is why it is easy to give up when we are endlessly trying to move forward. If we give up too early, the next bend, which may have intended to bring us a reward, may be missed. Alternatively, it may bring us tragedy. It is far better to be on a straight road and the Lord offers this as we acknowledge Him.

God can move obstacles that are in our way and also cut a path through a forest  if need be. His ways are amazing. Acknowledging Him, as we saw yesterday, in the Hebrew is Yada, which means having direct intimate contact with God. It centres around having a deep trust in God, one  in which we know for certain, that He will not let us down. If we want perfect direction in life, we need to place Him central in our life. After-all, He knows us through and through; He knows the way ahead and, He knows how to get us from A to B when we need it. 

Have you any major decisions to make? Are you struggling with 'What shall I do?' Then Jesus is the first point of call. His office is always open and He will give you a warm welcome when you contact Him. Just look back on your life. You have made a few mistakes haven't you? Could this be because you didn't ask what to do? I think we all have. How does it sound to being in  direct intimate contact with Jesus? Yes, you have a relationship with Him but is it a deep, intimate relationship, one in which you depend on Him and trust Him 100%. You can have this and there is no application form to fill in either. Jesus has already given you this with His word - the bible.

If you don't know Jesus or, have fallen away, why not say this prayer right now:
'Lord Jesus, I have sinned and I ask you to forgive me and be my Lord and Saviour. Please come into my heart, fill me with Your Spirit and give me a brand new start today.

In Jesus' Name. Amen'

Copyright 2024 Grahame Howard.                          

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