Wednesday, 28 August 2024

Another aspect that leads to sin

"She also gave to her husband with her, and he ate'   Genesis 3:6   NKJV 

Adam did not take the responsibility that God had placed on him. Instead of putting an end to this wicked scheme the serpent was tempting Eve with, he went along with it. He could have been interested to see where all of this led to. Then again, he could have been enthralled by it himself and closed a blind eye to it all. Whatever, he allowed sin into our world. He was a responder instead of a leader and from the moment he fell to the temptation himself, it was too late and it went totally wrong from there. 

Sin blinds our minds and takes over our lives if we are not in control. Did Adam pretend he didn't know what Eve was doing? I don't think so. I believe that he was fully aware but, possibly through lack of experience, he allowed himself to be overcome by all of it. How often do you do this? We know right from wrong and yet are quite often caught out by things. What about when we pay cash for something in a shop and the shop assistant gives us more change than she should have done. Do we tell the person, or, do we walk away quite pleased that we were given change for a £20 note instead of a £10 one. This is deceit when you think about it and that shop assistant may have to make up the money themselves at the end of the day.

What about when we sell something, knowing full well that there is something wrong with it, but not disclosing it to the buyer. It could be a car, a house, anything. But when we do things like this again, we are acting in a deceitful way. Then of course there are the times that we borrow something from a friend and never return it. I can think of several times that this has been done to us. But then, I'm reminded about the times when I have done just the same. But it shouldn't be this way.

In life, there are many rules and laws that we need to obey. Breaking the speed limit is one. How many of us go over the limit when we are driving? What about drinking and driving - you know, just that little drink for the road. That may cost you your life or someone else's if you have an accident. When we're in the stationery cupboard in the office, we may build up our supply of paper and pens but how many of us take these home and use them for our own uses? That is being picky; no it's not, it is theft.

Jesus would want us to live our lives in such a way that no-one, can point the finger at us. We are His ambassadors, we represent Him. And this is what Adam should have been doing that day back in the garden. He should have used his authority instead of compromising and it cost everything. Food for thought?

If you don't know Jesus or, have fallen away, why not say this prayer right now:
Lord Jesus, I have sinned   
I ask you to forgive me and be my Lord and Saviour. Please come into my heart, fill me with Your Spirit and give me a brand new start today.

In Jesus' Name. Amen'

Copyright 2024 Grahame Howard.                          

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