Saturday, 7 September 2024

A Brief View of Psalm 23

 "The LORD is my Shepherd; I have all I need."   Psalm 23:1  CSB.  (Read Psalm 23)

Let us 'pick the bones' out of this well-known Psalm. Verse 1 tells us that David had all he needed. He was not rich but, he was doing what he wanted to do at that time, and was satisfied. He had his sheep to look after - a great training field for when he would become King, although he didn't know it at the time. He also had his music and poetry to write. In the middle of the fields with only the sheep as company, he would have had peace and quiet to concentrate.

David was close to God and must have had some good fellowship with Him. Even though David was young, he would, like us, have had times when he was tired, possibly depressed and wondering what lay ahead for him. This is when God would have renewed him Later on in his life, he wrote 'He satisfies you with good things; your youth is renewed like an eagle.'  Ps 103:5. Usually, no one is better qualified to discuss or write about something that they have been through themselves.

In verse 4, David mentions 'the valley of the shadow of death' (NKJV) and 'Through the darkest valley' (CSB.) The valley of the shadow of death, does not mean that David felt he was going to die but, that he may find himself in a situation where death was a distinct possibility.
The 'darkest valley' points to the deep canyons in the wilderness into which one might fall into and not escape, unless God intervened. These were the risks that David and any other shepherd could face as they guided their flock. David though, was well aware that, wherever he went, God was with him. Therefore he didn't fear at all v4.

Can you see how close to God, David was? He was in a job where, if he chose, he could talk to God all of the time. That may not always be possible for you to do. But you can allow God to be in your thoughts, silently asking Him for guidance. Involving God in such a way brings ultimate satisfaction to both yourself and to God. He just loves your fellowship. And the times when you feel you have no energy left, is the time when you can call on Him and, He will bring renewal to your life. In a way, God is your partner - God and you. Partners do things together.

There will be times when, you have to do something, or go somewhere that you don't want to. Relax, if you are walking in such a close relationship with God, He'll take care of you; guide you and keep you safe. Most of us have what we need. It is what we want that causes the issues. It is so easy to buy things on your card; after all, you don't have to pay it for a month. The problems arise when, you don't pay the balance when the bill comes in; instead you may be tempted to pay the smaller amount and let the remainder wait until next time. This becomes problematic because, (a) You become in debt (b) You may be tempted to do the same next time the bill arrives. (c) the interest is rising and may get out of hand, leaving you more in debt. Don’t do it.

All in all, wouldn't you like the relationship with God that David had? God wants to have that type of relationship with you. He is willing, are you? Why not talk to Him about it; He will help you to put this into action but, remember, it may come at a cost and it may mean giving up all of the things that you have that, God feels you would be better without. It will mean total submission to Him and accountability. But, it will be well worth the effort.

If you don't know Jesus or, have fallen away, why not say this prayer right now:
Lord Jesus, I have sinned   
I ask you to forgive me and be my Lord and Saviour. Please come into my heart, fill me with Your Spirit and give me a brand new start today.

In Jesus' Name. Amen'

Copyright 2024 Grahame Howard.                          

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