Saturday, 21 September 2024

Grace ( Final part )

"Heal me, O Lord, and I shall be healed; Save me, and I shall be saved, For You are my praise"                               Jeremiah 17:14   NKJV

Today, let us look at this final part of the Grace of the Lord and examine the Hebrew word Rapha. Grace includes healing and Rapha can be explained as the work of a doctor or physician. Now God fits this criteria as He is quoted as saying 'For I am the LORD who heals you.'  Exodus 15:26. If we back up to the beginning of the verse, we read 'If you diligently heed the voice of the Lord your God and do what is right in His sight, give ear to His commandments and keep all His statutes, I will put none of the diseases on you which I have brought on the Egyptians - ' We can see that healing may be conditional on our behaviour towards God. Firstly, God asks us to listen to His Word. Secondly, He asks us to do what is right in His sight. While sin and disobedience are not always the direct cause of sickness, man's fall into sin is the underlying and original cause of all disease. Therefore, there is a need to walk in God's will.

Rapha can be explained as being restored to normal; the way God created you to be. So, if we pray for healing and nothing happens, does this mean that there is sin in our lives? I don't think so. One could say, 'What about all those who are healed and those who aren't. Is there some kind of class distinction going on here? Again, I don't think so. In 1980, I was healed of facial paralysis prior to becoming a Christian, this was almost instantaneously. However, back in 2000, I had to undergo major surgery for bowel problems. I had prayed constantly for healing but, it never came. Why? I don't know; there is no answer to this. Does God just heal people who have behaved themselves? Definitely not, before I was a Christian I was quite wild and yet I was healed. There are numerous Christian people who are still battling with sickness and yet, they receive no release from this and yet many serve God faithfully. This is something that will be explained to us when we meet with Jesus.

So does this mean that we just give up and accept our sickness, absolutely not. We continue to stand and remain open for Jesus to heal us. When I was ill back in 2000, as I mentioned, God didn't heal me of the physical side of things. I still had the ordeal of surgery and changes in my life from thereon. But, He healed me of the emotional damage it had caused me, together with the fear. Now I lead a normal life, I have flashbacks, of course I do. But I am well. God may not heal what we have asked Him to heal. He looks at the bigger picture and knows what is better for you.

Some people, including leading Christian teachers, believe that God doesn't heal today. This is false teaching and built on a total lack of understanding of what the bible tells us. He does heal but, we must remember, He knows what is best for us. After all, we gave Him our life so, we trust Him, yes?

You may be depressed and frustrated at not being able to live like you once did. But, please believe me, Jesus is right there with you. Will He heal you? I think He has if you asked Him but, the healing may have been for your soul - your mind, will and emotions. The rest may follow. One thing I say to you, NEVER, EVER GIVE UP. Keep praying; keep believing and keep on praising Jesus, just like Jeremiah did. He was depressed and worried but he could still praise God. You do the same.

If you don't know Jesus or, have fallen away, why not say this prayer right now:
Lord Jesus, I have sinned   
I ask you to forgive me and be my Lord and Saviour. Please come into my heart, fill me with Your Spirit and give me a brand new start today.

In Jesus' Name. Amen'

Copyright 2024 Grahame Howard.                          

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