Sunday 29 September 2024

Watch the attack and the test

 "And the LORD said to Satan,' Behold, all that he has is in your power; only do not lay a hand on his person.'   Job 1:12   NKJV

We see here, a man who was tested more than the average human being has been. God was having a team meeting with His angels and Satan turned up as the adversary to try and disturb God's kingdom by causing trouble. The name of Job came up and Satan spoke up, saying that if God took the hedge of protection from around him, he would curse God to His face. God gave Satan permission to go and shake him up but without hurting his body. So Satan went off. God limits what Satan can do to us, He allows tests and this, was what was about to happen.

Within a short time, Job received news that his oxen had been taken away, his servants killed and his sheep burnt. Also, his family - wives, sons, daughters and children had all been killed in a freak accident. In just a short time, Job had lost everything dear to Him. What Job did next was a complete shock to the onlookers; he tore his gown and fell on the ground and worshipped God. You see Job knew where to turn in times of crisis. He didn't blame God; neither did he curse Him, as was expected, especially by Satan. He just praised God.

On the next visit to see God, Satan asked God to attack Job's health. He will then surely curse God. God allowed Satan to inflict painful boils from head to foot on Job but, he still refused to blame God for it all. 'In all this Job did not sin with his lips.' (2:10). This time, Job did curse but, not against God. He cursed his conception and birth. We may all have been tempted in the past to wish that we had never been born. However, he still would not blame or curse God. He did say, 'For the thing I greatly feared has come upon me. And what I dreaded has happened to me.' (3:25)

When you think about it, this was mild to what others may have said at this terrible time. But the thing is, Job spoke a self-fulfilled prophecy (Matt 12:37). We need to be careful here because, we may get what we confess. Remember, the devil's out to get you and he would be so happy to give you what you confess. If you do such a thing, be sure to repent immediately and revoke the word with praise.

Why does God allow such tragedy to some people and not others. I don't know. Job was a man of God, upright in all he did and Satan does not like this. That could be the reason. Whatever, it was, when Job had passed the test, God restored more than he had lost. 

You may have been going through a rough period just lately. Remember Satan may be involved in this, but he cannot take on Jesus and win. Therefore, claim the blood of Jesus and His
 protection and put your armour on. This is the difference, we have Jesus fighting our battles for us. We will be tested of course, but with Jesus' help, we will come out on top as long as we call on Him and ask Him for help.

If you don't know Jesus or, have fallen away, why not say this prayer right now:
Lord Jesus, I have sinned   
I ask you to forgive me and be my Lord and Saviour. Please come into my heart, fill me with Your Spirit and give me a brand new start today.

In Jesus' Name. Amen'

Copyright 2024 Grahame Howard.                          

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